Amiable: Friendly and pleasant manner.
Authoritative: Reliable and commanding.
Benevolent: Well-meaning and charitable.
Compassionate: Sympathy and concern for others.
Complimentary: Expressing praise or given free of charge.
Consoling: Comforting during grief.
Content: Peaceful happiness and satisfaction.
Ecstatic: Overwhelming happiness.
Elated: Ecstatically happy.
Elevated: Higher than surroundings.
Exuberant: Lively energy and excitement.
Fanciful: Overimaginative and unrealistic.
Impassioned: Showing great emotion.
Jovial: Cheerful and friendly.
Jubilant: Great happiness and triumph.
Optimistic: Hopeful about the future.
Passionate: Strong feelings or beliefs.
Reverent: Deep respect.
Sympathetic: Expressing sympathy.
Vibrant: Full of energy and bright colors.
Whimsical: Playfully quaint or fanciful.