Unit 12: Age of Progress

Emergence of mass society

  • Mass education

  • Mass culture

  • Mass media

  • Mass migration

  • Mass leisure

  • Mass tourism

  • Mass consumption

  • Mass politics

The Second Industrial Revolution

  • Emergence of steel, electricity, chemicals, and gas

  • Expansion of markets

    • Manufactured goods and food cheap due to low transportation cost

    • increased competition

    • department store

  • Larger Factories due to steel, new machinery, etc

  • 1895-WW1 economic boom

  • Germany replaces GB as industrial leader

Inventions and Advancements

  • Thomas Edison: Lightbulb

  • Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone

  • Guglielmo Marconi: Radio wave across Atlantic

  • Henry Ford: Car (Model T)

  • Orville and Wilbur Wright: First flight with an engine powered by gas

  • Samuel Morse: Morse code

Women in the Workplace

  • Focus of domestically

  • Sweatshops and slop work

  • The expansion of factories and government allowed for white-collar jobs

    • typists, secretaries, teleoperators

  • teaching and nursing accessible to women

  • shift from industrial to white-collar jobs, not an increase of women in the workforce

Working Classes Organize

  • Socialist movement

    • German social democratic party

    • Marxist social democratic labor party in Russia

  • evolutionary socialism: imminent collapse of capitalism and need for socialist ownership of the means of products

  • Nationalism and Marxism

    • “Working men have no country” WRONG!!!!

  • Anarchism

    • prominent in less industrialized nations

    • Initially was not violent

    • Spain, Portugal, Russia, and Italy looked for radical ways to achieve it


Emergence of a Mass Society

  • Large population

    • rising birth rates, lower death rate

  • Improved living

    • sanitation, running water, public parks

“The Women Question”

  • Women's role in society

  • Focus domesticity

  • Mentality of women in the workplace for both middle and working classes

Mass education

  • universal elementary education (6-12) needs skilled laborers in schools

  • Girls separated by boys

    • Girls: no math, less science, domestic skills

    • Boys: Military drill, carpentry

  • New technology, business, practices, and transportation advance leisure

  • Music and dancing halls

  • Team sports

  • Soccer and rugby

  • Mass tourism increased wages and allowed for vacation

  • Expanded markets=wider variety of goods

  • Factory system allowing for faster production

  • Catalogs and department stores

Advancements in Science

  • Marie Curie - French scientist who discovered radioactivity. A discovery that would eventually take her life

Advancements in Science 

  • Albert Einstein- German-born scientist who discovered relativity

  • The Theory of Relativity - Space and time are not absolute to the observer, and both are interwoven into what Einstein called a 4th-dimensional space-time continuum

Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Nietzsche- German philosopher. Focused on amoralism and irrationalism

  • “God is dead”

  • Ubermensch- Overman (superman)

Dangers of Nietzsche’s Philosophy

  • There are always unintended consequences to anything we publish

  • The term Ubermensch will be used numerous times by Hitler and the National Socialist Party (NAZI) in Germany. But used to justify racial Aryan superiority

  • Untermenschen or underman

  • Even though Nietzsche stood up against racism and anti-Semitism, the damage was done

Sigmund Freud

  • Austrian doctor who strays from rationalism when studying the mind

    • Believed behavior was determined by the unconscious

    • the ID, Ego, and Superego

      • ID-Passion, primal

      • superego-morality

      • Ego-reason, rationality

Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Socialism

  • Evolutionary (revisionism)-

    • Key Figure: Eduard Bernstein-Believed due to increasing suffrage and public pressures, governments would be forced to take a more active role in society

  • Revolutionary (Reactionary)-

    • Key Figure: Georges Sorel, Karl Marx; advocated violent action to achieve socialism. Believed a small, elite, oligarchy would rise to rule the masses.

  • Evolutionary - Most of the industrial world (even the US)

    • Mainly resulted in government regulation of business

  • Revolutionary - Russia (USSR), China, Cuba, Vietnam

    • Mainly resulted in government takeover of business (Communism)

Impressionism vs. Post-impressionism

  • Impressionism-Artistic movement in which artists rejected museums and studios to go out into the world and paint

  • Post-impressionism - another artistic movement that used color and structure to convey a statement of reality over an imitation of objects and nature

Women’s Rights Movement

  • Suffrage-the right to vote

    • some militant efforts

  • Pacifists-warning against armament

  • in the US-prohibition movement

  • higher education.

  • By 1890, most industrialized countries had universal male suffrage. None of them granted women that right

  • Emmeline Pankhurst - a militant suffragette (women who wanted to vote), led GB movement for full suffrage

    • Used hunger strikes when imprisoned, some died for the cause

  • British women would finally vote in 1918 and in the USA in 1919


  • Anti-semitism: Hostility and discrimination against Jewish people

  • The combination of racism and extreme nationalism lead to an increase in anti-semitism

    • Vienna, Austria - center of German Nationalism. Blamed Jews for corrupted German culture

  • Russian Pogroms - Organized violence against Russian Jews. It was started by Alexander III and counted by his son, Nicholas II

    • Hundreds and thousands of Jews emigrated from Russia to Poland, USA, Canada, Palestine

  • Zionist movement

    • Theodor Herzl looked to re-establish permanent residence in Palestine

    • land controlled by Ottomans did not want Jewish settlement

Transformation of Liberalism

  • Great Britain

    • David Lloyd George-Liberal, leaves laissez faire policies for social welfare programs

  • Italy-Transformism

    • Movement of politics to the center away from extremes

  • France-third republic struggle

    • Dreyfus Affair-Alfred Dreyfus, wrongly convicted jew, brings light to anti-semitism throughout western Europe.

  • Germany

    • Bismarck fired b Wilhelm II. Although Germany was the military power in Europe, the Alliances formed by Bismarck crumpled under Wilhelm arrogance

  • Austria-Hungary - TOO MANY NATIONALITIES!!!

Russia and the U.S

  • Russia- quest for industrialization

    • Revolution of 1905-Jan 22nd, food shortage leads to organized strike at czar’s winter palace in St.Petersburg. Troops open fired on the peaceful demonstrators

      • “Bloody Sunday”

      • Leads Nicholas II to allow the formation of the Duma

  • The USA- The progressive Era


  • When a stronger nation takes weaker nation politically, socially, economically

    • direct and indirect rule

  • Type of imperialism

    • Colony

    • Protectorate

    • sphere of influence

    • economic imperialism

  • Racism and Social Darwinism

    • Darwin’s ideas of evolution, applied to race, claiming that survival depended on how strong the race is, and other races of people are inferior

    • economic and religious motives.

  • The main reason was for profit

To prevent war Europe meets in Berlin to create a treaty in which country should get what in Africa, with no African represented.

Scramble for Africa

  • Berlin Conference 1884-1885

  • No representations for African countries

  • Decisions and rules on how Africa should be split up

  • 1876 = 11% European rule of Africa 1902 = 90% European rule of Africa

  • Utilizing military strength and new technology

Imperialism in Asia

  • China imperialized by Britain

  • Open Door Policy

  • Japan and Korea attempt to avoid Western intrusion

  • French Indochina: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam

  • American Imperialism

  • Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, the Philippines 

Impact of New Imperialism

  • Most countries in Africa and Asia have colonial rule over them

  • Exceptions: Thailand, Ethiopia, Japan, Afghanistan, and Persia

  • Increase of competition over lands —> tensions
