Emergence of mass society
Mass education
Mass culture
Mass media
Mass migration
Mass leisure
Mass tourism
Mass consumption
Mass politics
The Second Industrial Revolution
Emergence of steel, electricity, chemicals, and gas
Expansion of markets
Manufactured goods and food cheap due to low transportation cost
increased competition
department store
Larger Factories due to steel, new machinery, etc
1895-WW1 economic boom
Germany replaces GB as industrial leader
Inventions and Advancements
Thomas Edison: Lightbulb
Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone
Guglielmo Marconi: Radio wave across Atlantic
Henry Ford: Car (Model T)
Orville and Wilbur Wright: First flight with an engine powered by gas
Samuel Morse: Morse code
Women in the Workplace
Focus of domestically
Sweatshops and slop work
The expansion of factories and government allowed for white-collar jobs
typists, secretaries, teleoperators
teaching and nursing accessible to women
shift from industrial to white-collar jobs, not an increase of women in the workforce
Working Classes Organize
Socialist movement
German social democratic party
Marxist social democratic labor party in Russia
evolutionary socialism: imminent collapse of capitalism and need for socialist ownership of the means of products
Nationalism and Marxism
âWorking men have no countryâ WRONG!!!!
prominent in less industrialized nations
Initially was not violent
Spain, Portugal, Russia, and Italy looked for radical ways to achieve it
Emergence of a Mass Society
Large population
rising birth rates, lower death rate
Improved living
sanitation, running water, public parks
âThe Women Questionâ
Women's role in society
Focus domesticity
Mentality of women in the workplace for both middle and working classes
Mass education
universal elementary education (6-12) needs skilled laborers in schools
Girls separated by boys
Girls: no math, less science, domestic skills
Boys: Military drill, carpentry
New technology, business, practices, and transportation advance leisure
Music and dancing halls
Team sports
Soccer and rugby
Mass tourism increased wages and allowed for vacation
Expanded markets=wider variety of goods
Factory system allowing for faster production
Catalogs and department stores
Advancements in Science
Marie Curie - French scientist who discovered radioactivity. A discovery that would eventually take her life
Advancements in ScienceÂ
Albert Einstein- German-born scientist who discovered relativity
The Theory of Relativity - Space and time are not absolute to the observer, and both are interwoven into what Einstein called a 4th-dimensional space-time continuum
Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche- German philosopher. Focused on amoralism and irrationalism
âGod is deadâ
Ubermensch- Overman (superman)
Dangers of Nietzscheâs Philosophy
There are always unintended consequences to anything we publish
The term Ubermensch will be used numerous times by Hitler and the National Socialist Party (NAZI) in Germany. But used to justify racial Aryan superiority
Untermenschen or underman
Even though Nietzsche stood up against racism and anti-Semitism, the damage was done
Sigmund Freud
Austrian doctor who strays from rationalism when studying the mind
Believed behavior was determined by the unconscious
the ID, Ego, and Superego
ID-Passion, primal
Ego-reason, rationality
Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Socialism
Evolutionary (revisionism)-
Key Figure: Eduard Bernstein-Believed due to increasing suffrage and public pressures, governments would be forced to take a more active role in society
Revolutionary (Reactionary)-
Key Figure: Georges Sorel, Karl Marx; advocated violent action to achieve socialism. Believed a small, elite, oligarchy would rise to rule the masses.
Evolutionary - Most of the industrial world (even the US)
Mainly resulted in government regulation of business
Revolutionary - Russia (USSR), China, Cuba, Vietnam
Mainly resulted in government takeover of business (Communism)
Impressionism vs. Post-impressionism
Impressionism-Artistic movement in which artists rejected museums and studios to go out into the world and paint
Post-impressionism - another artistic movement that used color and structure to convey a statement of reality over an imitation of objects and nature
Womenâs Rights Movement
Suffrage-the right to vote
some militant efforts
Pacifists-warning against armament
in the US-prohibition movement
higher education.
By 1890, most industrialized countries had universal male suffrage. None of them granted women that right
Emmeline Pankhurst - a militant suffragette (women who wanted to vote), led GB movement for full suffrage
Used hunger strikes when imprisoned, some died for the cause
British women would finally vote in 1918 and in the USA in 1919
Anti-semitism: Hostility and discrimination against Jewish people
The combination of racism and extreme nationalism lead to an increase in anti-semitism
Vienna, Austria - center of German Nationalism. Blamed Jews for corrupted German culture
Russian Pogroms - Organized violence against Russian Jews. It was started by Alexander III and counted by his son, Nicholas II
Hundreds and thousands of Jews emigrated from Russia to Poland, USA, Canada, Palestine
Zionist movement
Theodor Herzl looked to re-establish permanent residence in Palestine
land controlled by Ottomans did not want Jewish settlement
Transformation of Liberalism
Great Britain
David Lloyd George-Liberal, leaves laissez faire policies for social welfare programs
Movement of politics to the center away from extremes
France-third republic struggle
Dreyfus Affair-Alfred Dreyfus, wrongly convicted jew, brings light to anti-semitism throughout western Europe.
Bismarck fired b Wilhelm II. Although Germany was the military power in Europe, the Alliances formed by Bismarck crumpled under Wilhelm arrogance
Russia and the U.S
Russia- quest for industrialization
Revolution of 1905-Jan 22nd, food shortage leads to organized strike at czarâs winter palace in St.Petersburg. Troops open fired on the peaceful demonstrators
âBloody Sundayâ
Leads Nicholas II to allow the formation of the Duma
The USA- The progressive Era
When a stronger nation takes weaker nation politically, socially, economically
direct and indirect rule
Type of imperialism
sphere of influence
economic imperialism
Racism and Social Darwinism
Darwinâs ideas of evolution, applied to race, claiming that survival depended on how strong the race is, and other races of people are inferior
economic and religious motives.
The main reason was for profit
To prevent war Europe meets in Berlin to create a treaty in which country should get what in Africa, with no African represented.
Scramble for Africa
Berlin Conference 1884-1885
No representations for African countries
Decisions and rules on how Africa should be split up
1876 = 11% European rule of Africa 1902 = 90% European rule of Africa
Utilizing military strength and new technology
Imperialism in Asia
China imperialized by Britain
Open Door Policy
Japan and Korea attempt to avoid Western intrusion
French Indochina: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam
American Imperialism
Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, the PhilippinesÂ
Impact of New Imperialism
Most countries in Africa and Asia have colonial rule over them
Exceptions: Thailand, Ethiopia, Japan, Afghanistan, and Persia
Increase of competition over lands â> tensions