Importance of observations in pre-service teacher education
Vital for building relationships with students and mentor teachers
Metaphor of a river representing the journey of observation
Observations provide opportunities to see theory in practice
Essential for improving teaching and learning
Requires time, patience, and skill to reflect on teacher practices
Important for addressing mentor feedback
Purpose of this chapter:
Guide on what to observe and how to write observation notes
Classroom observation is ongoing, even after becoming a teacher
AITSL (2014) emphasizes observation as integral to professional practice
Supports reflection and improvement in teaching and student learning
Bandura's Observational Learning Theory:
Observation enhances learning and skill acquisition
Importance of focused and planned observations
Jake fails to observe effectively and loses interest
Importance of understanding focus during observations
Difficulty in observing everything happening simultaneously
Personal characteristics affect attention during observations
Retaining the details of observed practices is crucial for reflection
Understanding the reasons behind actions aids in future application
Ability to incorporate observed strategies into personal teaching practices
Pre-service teachers need to be motivated to learn from observations
Kylie’s observations were too judgmental rather than professional
Importance of maintaining professionalism in observation notes
Observations linked to teaching quality and student learning
APST Standards supporting collaborative observation practices
Importance of observing various aspects of classroom life
Pre-service teachers should aim to understand:
Student learning dynamics
Effective communication skills
Planning and assessment roles
Effective observations focus on specific aspects to avoid overwhelm
Suggestions for initial focus areas:
Classroom environment, decor, student interactions
Teacher strategies for different student abilities
Technological integration in lessons
Focus on manageable criteria to optimize observations
Suggested areas for classroom observation include:
Classroom arrangement
Attention-getting cues
Classroom rules and consequences
Usage of technology
Assessment methods
The importance of communication in teaching and learning
Classes require engaging communication for effective learning
Observe both verbal and non-verbal communication strategies
Key aspects to observe during lesson delivery
Lesson opening techniques, objectives, and transitions
Routines established by the mentor teacher
Instructional methods and question techniques
Monitoring student understanding through feedback and assessment
Importance of observing student engagement and interactions
Student dynamics influence learning experiences and teaching choices
Reflect on how these interactions can inform personal teaching methods
Focus on more than noting; engage with students during tasks
Define specific focuses to maximize learning outcomes
Awareness of Bandura’s conditions helps tailor observation strategies
Keep notes factual and non-judgmental
Seek clarity from mentor teachers post-observation to fill gaps in understanding
Utilize notes for reflection and professional assessment
Summarizing observations aids in processing experiences
Incorporate learned strategies into personal teaching practices
Observations are essential for professional development
Encouragement towards being purposeful and reflective in teaching journey
AITSL Publications and Bandura’s Theories, various years mentioned for credibility and authenticity.