Gender in the Economy SG

1) What is sex: biological assignment at birth

2) What is gender: characteristics that are socially constructed

3) What is biological determinism/essentialism: sex predicts gender

4) What is heternormativity: a social construct that suggests heterosexuality is normal/typical

5) What is intersectionality: framework that considers how social categories such as race, class, and gender intersect to create systems of disadvantage

6) What does the global gender gap index measure inequality through: economic participation, educational attainment, health and survival and political empowerment

7) Explain the concept of the invisible hand/efficent markets: how individuals rationally acting in their own self interest can lead to socially beneficial outcomes

😎Explain the concept of comparative advantage/labor: Gary becker argued that women have a comparative advantage in the household due to their ability go birth

9) What is the capitalist mode of production: mode of production in which there is a private property and a small group of people are given the rights to own the means of production, while everyone must work for a wage to survive

10) What is the class structure: the bourgeouise (capitalists) own the means of production, and the proletariat (workers) must work for a wage

11) What is the labor theory of value: the only reason that an item that you buy has any value is becaus a human worked on it

12) What is the surplus: humans can produce more than what we need for substience

13) What is exploitation: Because only capitalists own the means of production, workers get paid less than the value of what they have produced

14) Connect wage to labor power: workers need to be paid a wage that is at least enough to reproduce their labor power

15) What is required for the reproduction of labor power: basics, such as sleep, food, healthcare, and clothic

16) What are three types of control to ensure labor is expended: simple control, technical control, bureaucratic control

17) What are the methods of increasing the surplus: increase the length of the working day, decrease the wage they pay, intensify the time spent working, price increase

18) What are the four types of alienation in the production proces: alienation from the product, production process, others, and ourselves

19) What is the reverse army of the unemployed (informal sector): supply of individuals who are unemployed, underemployed, or out of the labor force and could easily replace current worker

20) What is the crisis of accumulation: capitalists want to accumulate as much surplus as possible, and so keep wages as low as possible

21) What is the immisseration of the working class: in the pursuit of more surplus, capitalists will eventually immiserate the working class to extremely low economic conditions

22) What is the revolution stage: workers start a revolution and establish other modes of production, first socialism, then communism

23) What is socialism: state own means of production

24) what is communism: state withers away; everyone owns MOP collectively

25) How do you prohibit class conciousness: seperating and deindividuating workers so that they can no longer think of themselves a group

26) Explain the concept of commodity fetishism: relationship between an item we purchase and ourselves

27) What did Marx and Engels say about the Woman Question: root of women’s oppression is men’s accumulation is private proprerty

28) How does the private sphere function as an area of degredation: men conrol over women’s sexuality in order to enforce monogamy and strict division of labor

29) Why were proletariat women better off than bourgeuoisie women (two reasons): Proletariat men did not own property and were less likely to try to control a woman’s sexuality, and the public sphere was superior to the private sphere

30) What is the theoretical basis of first wave feminism: based on classical liberal ideologies focusing on the rights and freedoms of the individual as the primary concern of society

31) What were the areas of first-wave feminism: legal and political inequalities, women’s suffrage, property rights, education access, employment rights, marriage rights, and early stages of reproductive rights

32) What is theoretical basis of radical feminism: perosnal is political

33) What were the five areas of radical feminism: household/family division of labor, appearence, reproduction, sexuality, violence

34) What is the theoretical basis of marxist feminism: social reproduction theory —> capitalism depends on the unpaid labor required to systain and reproduce working class

35) What are the areas of oppresion of marxist feminism: unpaid domestic labor/reproductive work, waged labor, reproductive control, education and culture, state and law

36) What is the theoretical basis of dual systems: capitalism and patriarchy create oppresive systems of class and gender

37) What is the difference between modernism and postmodernism: modernism says one true truth and postmodernism says interperting world through language, media, text images

38) What is the girl power movement: less academic and more oriented towards mainstream activism

39) What does orientalism say: the other

40) What are the theoretical basis of transnation feminism: says that what is oppresive in one context can be empowering in another

41) What are the methods used in transnational feminism: protests, legislation, educational attainment, starting buisnesses, consumption decisions, poltiical aprticiaption

42) What’s Lacan’s concept of the slef: our sense of self is unstable and this leads to an anxiety

42) What’s lacan’s concept of lack: seperation of woman —> inferior mother

42) What’s Lacan’s conept of the gaze: there is pwoer through looking
