
Introduction to Economics

  • Definition: Economics is the study of how to manage scarce or limited resources in the best possible way.

Key Concepts


  • Scarcity: A condition where wants are unlimited while resources are limited.

  • Choice and Opportunity Cost: Making choices incurs opportunity costs, which represent the best alternative that is forgone.


  • Production: The process by which firms and producers create goods and services to sell.

  • Consumers: Individuals or households (buyers) who purchase and utilize goods and services.

Factors of Production

  • Natural Resources: Inputs obtained from nature (e.g., plants, minerals, water).

  • Human Resources: Labor required to produce goods and services.

  • Physical Resources: Machines and equipment used in production.

  • All resources are scarce in quantity.

Economic Questions

  • What to Produce?

  • How to Produce?

  • How Much to Produce?

  • For Whom to Produce?

  • These questions aid in the efficient allocation of resources.

Goods and Services


  • Definition: Tangible items that can be touched and held (e.g., books, cars, clothing).


  • Definition: Intangible experiences that cannot be physically touched (e.g., healthcare, entertainment, public transport).

Main Actors in Economics


  • Producers: Also known as firms, suppliers, or sellers; their objective is to maximize profits by creating goods for sale.


  • Consumers: Individuals and households with the goal to maximize satisfaction from goods and services.

Economic Problem of Scarcity

  • Both producers and consumers face the problem of scarcity, needing to balance unlimited wants with limited resources.

  • Economics provides tools to manage scarcity efficiently.
