Unit 4 Concept Part 1

Concept 1: Blood - 12 Questions

  • Be able to describe the different ways our blood plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis in our bodies.

  • Be able to describe the different components of our blood.

  • Be able to describe the shape of a RBS and its function.

  • How is hematopoiesis connected to other body systems

  • Describe the steps of Hemostasis in order.

  • What are the 8 different blood types in humans and what are the factors that contribute to the different types. Donate? 

  • What would happen to someone who received the wrong blood type during a blood transfusion?


Concept 2:  Cardiovascular System - 21 Questions

  • What is the function of the Cardiovascular system and all its components?

  • What are the 3 factors that can cause resistance to blood flow through the vessels?

  • Be able to identify the parts of the heart.

  • Be familiar with the Blood Pathway and when blood is oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich.

  • In what structures does gas exchange occur? What is being dropped off and picked up?

  • Why are valves important? 

  • What are the different circuits? What structures are apart of that circuit?

  • Be able to describe the uniqueness of cardiac muscle tissue.

  • How does the intrinsic cardiac conduction system work?

  • Be able to describe the mechanism that causes us to hear a heartbeat.

  • Be able to describe the steps that the heart uses (both electrical and mechanical) to circulate blood throughout the body.

  • Be familiar with EKG and what they show.*


Concept 3: Respiratory System - 19 Questions

  • Describe the function of the respiratory system and how it works with the cardiovascular system.

  • Be able to identify what structures are in the conducting and respiratory zones and their function.

  • Be able to identify and describe the organization of the lungs and bronchi within them.

  • Be able to identify the structures of the respiratory system.

  • What is the difference between the left and right lung? Why?

  • Be able to describe the process of gas exchange.

  • What is the role of the diaphragm. 

  • What is the relationship between volume, pressure, and air flow.

  • Describe how inspiration and expiration work to allow us to breath.

  • Why is the respiratory system important on the cellular level in maintaining homeostasis?
