Division of German
Germany divided into four zones of occupation
United States / Soviet Union / Great Britain / France
Potsdam Conference - 1945
Attended by Truman (United States) / Atlee (England) / Stalin (Soviet Union)
Divide Germany into four zones of occupation
Allow Soviets to claim war reparations
New borders and free elections in Poland
Cold War Superpowers
The United States and Soviet Union
Emerged from the war strong and confident / Were no longer allies
U.S. International Cooperation
America looked to take a new position in the world
Senate rejection of the Treaty of Versailles was viewed as a mistake
America was ready to embrace world organizations o U.S. prosperity hinged on world peace and economic development.
The U.S. helped establish:
International Monetary Fund / The World Bank / GATT
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Designed to expand trade by reducing tariffs
Forerunner to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
The United Nations
Created after WWil to protect the peace & prevent future wars
50 Nations Allied together
Security Council: the five major World War Il Allies
US, USSR, Great Britain, France, China
Provided aid to needy nations
Issued the Declaration of Human Rights
The Geneva Convention
International agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war
The Nuremberg Trials
Trials against Nazi war criminals for crimes during the Holocaust
Trials put a glaring spotlight on the evils of the Third Reich
Renewed vigor Civil Rights Fight
Growing number of whites joined in
WWII was fought for freedom, democracy, justice, & should granted at home
• U.S. / USSR differences
Capitalist democracy
Value: Freedom & Individual rights
Communist dictatorship
Communist party wielded total control over lives of the Soviet people
Capitalism vs Communism
Economic system in which manufacturing is controlled by private corporations and individuals competing for profit
Economic system in which manufacturing is controlled by the workers
Workers take over society and proclaim to end all differences between social and economic classes
The Cold War (definition)
State of indirect conflict that existed between the U.S. and Soviet Union for more than 4 deca
World War II
Battle for science, technology, education, athletics, strength
No formal declaration of war
"Iron Curtain"
Taken from Churchill's speech in Missouri
Battlefront of the Cold War, divided capitalist West from communist East
The Truman Doctrine
U.S. promised $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey
Pledged American support for free people fighting against communism
American forces would become a "Global Police Force" to fight communism
George Kennan (American Diplomat) and Containment
U.S. could do nothing about removing the Soviets from areas already under their control
All future expansion by USSR must be contained
Negotiate first, use force as last resort / Policy for entire Cold War
The Marshall Plan
o Goals of the Marshall Plan
Provide humanitarian aid
Fight communism
Sec of State George Marshall unveiled a European recovery plan
U.S. gave $13 billion in grants and loans to Western European nations
Provided: Food / Fuel / Money for the Economy
Incredible success
The Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift
° Stalin was determined to capture West Berlin & blocked all entrances from Western Germany into West Berlin
o U.S. planes brought supplies for nearly one year
One U.S. plane landed, on average, every 3 minutes for several months
Blockade ended in 1949
NSC-68 (National Security Council)
A report to Truman discussing the threat of the Soviet Union & how to keep the US safe
Expanded the defense budget
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Formed to provide a military alliance to counter Communist expansion
An attack on one is an attack on all / COLLECTIVE SECURITY
The Warsaw Pact
Was a political and military alliance established between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries.
Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek)
Nationalist leader who was supported by the United States
Mao Zedong
Communist leader who was supported by the Soviet Union
Leader of the People Republic of China
The People's Republic of China
China became a Communist country
38th Parallel
Dividing line between North & South Korea which was established after WWII
Start of Korean War - 1950
North Korean troops, armed with Soviet equipment, invaded South Korea
General MacArthur
US General that lead the US/UN forces against North Korea
City in North Korea where US forces began their attack on North Korea
Truman v. MacArthur
Truman wanted to end the war as quickly as possible and stop the fighting while MacArthur wanted to continue the fighting and invade China.
On 11 April 1951, Truman relieved MacArthur of his commands for insubordination after MacArthur made public statements which contradicted the administration's policies.
War becomes a political issue in the election of 1952 & he promised to end the war if elected
Convinced that only strong action would break stalemate threatened to use nuclear weapons if peace wasn't settled
July 27, 1953: the two sides signed a cease-fire
Korean War results
Neither side won the war
North remained communist, allied to China and USSR
South remained noncommunist
Increased military spending
Creation of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
SEATO - Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
Defensive alliance aimed at preventing the spread of communism
Communist advances
Soviet Union has developed their own Atomic Bomb
China has become a Communist country
Mutually Assured Destruction - MAD
Notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with a nuclear counterattack such that both the countries would be annihilated.
Massive Retaliation
Nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the event of an attack.
John Dulles
Eisenhower's Secretary of State
Believed only by going to the brink of war could you avoid war
"you have to take some chances for peace, just as you must take chances in war."
Nikita Khrushchev
Emerged as new head of Soviet Union after Stalin's death Open to more peaceful relations with the West
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
The first line of defense for the United States. They collect and analyze intelligence to further national security and preempt threats.
Soviet unrest
1956: workers in Poland rioted against Soviet rule
Gained more control over government & new leaders stayed in Warsaw Pact, Soviet leaders backed off
Hungarian students and workers demanded pro-Soviet Hungarian officials be replaced, Soviet troops withdrawn, noncommunist parties to be formed
Soviets executed many of the revolution's leaders, killed hundreds of others
The Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis was an event in the Middle East in 1956.
It began with Egypt taking control of the Suez Canal which was followed by a military attack from Israel, France, and Great Britain.
The Suez Canal is an important man-made waterway in Egypt. It connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.
The Eisenhower Doctrine
o the U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism
The Soviet Union launched the earth's first satellite
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Agency to coordinate the space-related efforts of scientists and the military
The Red Scare
Fear that Communists both inside & outside America were working to destroy the American way of life
Federal Employee Loyalty Program - 1947
Allowed the FBI to screen Federal Employees for signs of political disloyalty
3000 people were dismissed or resigned
The Smith Act
Created to cripple the Communist Party in the United States
Made it unlawful to teach or advocate for the violent overthrow of the US gov't
House Un-American Activities Committee
Committee in the House of Rep. developed to search for Communist activity in the US
Hollywood Ten
Hollywood actors said to be Communist Supporters
A group of left-wing writers, directors, producers who refused to answer questions, invoked the 5th Amendment
Movie executives who were suspected of Communist activity & were blacklisted
Alger Hiss
US State Dept. official who was put on trial for being a Communist & providing the Soviet Union with information / Atomic Secrets
It was proven that Hiss gave Whittaker confidential government documents
Lied under Oath & was sent to jail
Whittaker Chambers
Communist espionage agent as a young man
Testified before HUAC about communist past & named Alger Hiss as one of his contacts in the government
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
1951 convicted of committing espionage / spying for the Soviet Union
Sentenced to death
Joseph McCarthy
senator from Wisconsin
Took advantage of the "Red Scare", Soviets having the nuclear bomb & the Fall of China
• Played into people's fear & hysteria