

Division of German

  • Germany divided into four zones of occupation

  • United States / Soviet Union / Great Britain / France

    Potsdam Conference - 1945

  • Attended by Truman (United States) / Atlee (England) / Stalin (Soviet Union)

  • Divide Germany into four zones of occupation

  • Allow Soviets to claim war reparations

  • New borders and free elections in Poland

    Cold War Superpowers

  • The United States and Soviet Union

  • Emerged from the war strong and confident / Were no longer allies

  • U.S. International Cooperation

  • America looked to take a new position in the world

  • Senate rejection of the Treaty of Versailles was viewed as a mistake

  • America was ready to embrace world organizations o U.S. prosperity hinged on world peace and economic development.

  • The U.S. helped establish:

  • International Monetary Fund / The World Bank / GATT

  • GATT
    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  • Designed to expand trade by reducing tariffs

  • Forerunner to the World Trade Organization (WTO)

  • The United Nations

  • Created after WWil to protect the peace & prevent future wars

  • 50 Nations Allied together

  • Security Council: the five major World War Il Allies

  • US, USSR, Great Britain, France, China

  • Provided aid to needy nations

  • Issued the Declaration of Human Rights

  • The Geneva Convention

  • International agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war

  • The Nuremberg Trials

  • Trials against Nazi war criminals for crimes during the Holocaust

  • Trials put a glaring spotlight on the evils of the Third Reich

  • Renewed vigor Civil Rights Fight

  • Growing number of whites joined in

  • WWII was fought for freedom, democracy, justice, & should granted at home


• U.S. / USSR differences


Capitalist democracy

Value: Freedom & Individual rights


Communist dictatorship

Communist party wielded total control over lives of the Soviet people

Capitalism vs Communism

  • Capitalism

  • Economic system in which manufacturing is controlled by private corporations and individuals competing for profit

  • Communism
    Economic system in which manufacturing is controlled by the workers
    Workers take over society and proclaim to end all differences between social and economic classes

The Cold War (definition)

  • State of indirect conflict that existed between the U.S. and Soviet Union for more than 4 deca
    World War II

  • Battle for science, technology, education, athletics, strength

  • No formal declaration of war

  • "Iron Curtain"
    Taken from Churchill's speech in Missouri

  • Battlefront of the Cold War, divided capitalist West from communist East

  • The Truman Doctrine

  • U.S. promised $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey

  • Pledged American support for free people fighting against communism

  • American forces would become a "Global Police Force" to fight communism

  • George Kennan (American Diplomat) and Containment

  • U.S. could do nothing about removing the Soviets from areas already under their control

  • All future expansion by USSR must be contained

  • Negotiate first, use force as last resort / Policy for entire Cold War

  • The Marshall Plan
    o Goals of the Marshall Plan

  • Provide humanitarian aid
    Fight communism

  • Sec of State George Marshall unveiled a European recovery plan

  • U.S. gave $13 billion in grants and loans to Western European nations

  • Provided: Food / Fuel / Money for the Economy

  • Incredible success

The Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift

° Stalin was determined to capture West Berlin & blocked all entrances from Western Germany into West Berlin

o U.S. planes brought supplies for nearly one year

One U.S. plane landed, on average, every 3 minutes for several months

  • Blockade ended in 1949

  • NSC-68 (National Security Council)

  • A report to Truman discussing the threat of the Soviet Union & how to keep the US safe

  • Expanded the defense budget

  • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
    Formed to provide a military alliance to counter Communist expansion
    An attack on one is an attack on all / COLLECTIVE SECURITY

  • The Warsaw Pact
    Was a political and military alliance established between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries.

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek)

Nationalist leader who was supported by the United States

  • Mao Zedong
    Communist leader who was supported by the Soviet Union

  • Leader of the People Republic of China

  • The People's Republic of China

  • China became a Communist country

  • 38th Parallel
    Dividing line between North & South Korea which was established after WWII

  • Start of Korean War - 1950
    North Korean troops, armed with Soviet equipment, invaded South Korea

  • General MacArthur

  • US General that lead the US/UN forces against North Korea
    City in North Korea where US forces began their attack on North Korea

  • Truman v. MacArthur
    Truman wanted to end the war as quickly as possible and stop the fighting while MacArthur wanted to continue the fighting and invade China.

  • On 11 April 1951, Truman relieved MacArthur of his commands for insubordination after MacArthur made public statements which contradicted the administration's policies.

  • Eisenhower

  • War becomes a political issue in the election of 1952 & he promised to end the war if elected

  • Convinced that only strong action would break stalemate threatened to use nuclear weapons if peace wasn't settled

  • July 27, 1953: the two sides signed a cease-fire

  • Korean War results

  • Neither side won the war

  • North remained communist, allied to China and USSR

  • South remained noncommunist

  • Increased military spending
    Creation of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

  • SEATO - Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
    Defensive alliance aimed at preventing the spread of communism


  • Communist advances
    Soviet Union has developed their own Atomic Bomb

  • China has become a Communist country

  • Mutually Assured Destruction - MAD

  • Notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with a nuclear counterattack such that both the countries would be annihilated.

  • Massive Retaliation

  • Nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the event of an attack.

  • John Dulles

  • Eisenhower's Secretary of State
    Believed only by going to the brink of war could you avoid war

  • "you have to take some chances for peace, just as you must take chances in war."

    • Nikita Khrushchev
      Emerged as new head of Soviet Union after Stalin's death Open to more peaceful relations with the West

    • CIA - Central Intelligence Agency

    • The first line of defense for the United States. They collect and analyze intelligence to further national security and preempt threats.

    • Soviet unrest

    • Poland

    • 1956: workers in Poland rioted against Soviet rule

    • Gained more control over government & new leaders stayed in Warsaw Pact, Soviet leaders backed off

    • Hungary

    • Hungarian students and workers demanded pro-Soviet Hungarian officials be replaced, Soviet troops withdrawn, noncommunist parties to be formed

    • Soviets executed many of the revolution's leaders, killed hundreds of others

    • The Suez Crisis
      The Suez Crisis was an event in the Middle East in 1956.

    • It began with Egypt taking control of the Suez Canal which was followed by a military attack from Israel, France, and Great Britain.

    • The Suez Canal is an important man-made waterway in Egypt. It connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.

    • The Eisenhower Doctrine
      o the U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism

    • Sputnik

    • The Soviet Union launched the earth's first satellite

    • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    • Agency to coordinate the space-related efforts of scientists and the military


    • The Red Scare

    • Fear that Communists both inside & outside America were working to destroy the American way of life

    • Federal Employee Loyalty Program - 1947

    • Allowed the FBI to screen Federal Employees for signs of political disloyalty

    • 3000 people were dismissed or resigned

    • The Smith Act

    • Created to cripple the Communist Party in the United States
      Made it unlawful to teach or advocate for the violent overthrow of the US gov't

    • HUAC

    • House Un-American Activities Committee
      Committee in the House of Rep. developed to search for Communist activity in the US

    • Hollywood Ten

    • Hollywood actors said to be Communist Supporters

    • A group of left-wing writers, directors, producers who refused to answer questions, invoked the 5th Amendment

    • Movie executives who were suspected of Communist activity & were blacklisted

    • Alger Hiss
      US State Dept. official who was put on trial for being a Communist & providing the Soviet Union with information / Atomic Secrets

    • It was proven that Hiss gave Whittaker confidential government documents

    • Lied under Oath & was sent to jail

    • Whittaker Chambers
      Communist espionage agent as a young man
      Testified before HUAC about communist past & named Alger Hiss as one of his contacts in the government

    • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
      1951 convicted of committing espionage / spying for the Soviet Union

    • Sentenced to death

    • Joseph McCarthy
      senator from Wisconsin

    Took advantage of the "Red Scare", Soviets having the nuclear bomb & the Fall of China

    • Played into people's fear & hysteria
