Vocab Review

Parts I-II: Vocabulary (30 points)

Know the definition, how to use it in a sentence, and recognize the meaning in context.  

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3 

Adulterate (v.)

Def.) To make worse through the addition of something

Adroit (adj.)

Def.) Clever or skilled with use of hands/mind

Alienate (v.)

To cause someone to feel othered. 

Augment (v.)

Def.) To make larger

Extol (v.)

Def.) praise enthusiastically. 

Culinary (adj.)

Of or for cooking. 

Deploy (v.)

Def.) To position in a certain place. 

Feasible (adj.)

Able to be done, possible. 

Delete (v.)

To eliminate, erase. 

Opulent (adj.)

Def.) Wealthy, rich, luxurious. 

Jeopardy (n.)


Demise (n.)

A death, an end of something. 

Verbatim (adj.)

Def.) Written down exactly as it was said, used in the context of a speech

Meticulous (adj.)

Done will care, skill, precision. 

Negligible (adj.)

Something of so little importance it is not worth mentioning

Warily (adj.)

Def.) Done with care, cautiously.

Quintessence (n.)

The purest/ most basic form of something. 

Perpetuate (v.)

To continue/further. 

Unit 4

Unit 5

Ascertain (v.)

To make sure, or become certain, of. 

Benefactor (n.)

A person who gives money for good causes. 

Expunge (v.)

To remove completely. 

Dearth (n.)

A scarcity or lack of something. 

Malevolent (adj.)

showing a wish to do evil to others

Embark (v.)

To set sail. 

Nonchalant (adj.)

Appearing casual or calm. 

Infallible (adj.)

Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong

Omniscient (adj.)

All knowing. 

Repose (n.) (v.)

(n.) a state of rest or sleep

(v.) to be lying or kept in a particular place 

Scrupulous (Adj.)

Diligent, extremely attentive to detail 

Unfeigned (adj.)

Genuine, not feigned, true. 
