Parts I-II: Vocabulary (30 points)
Know the definition, how to use it in a sentence, and recognize the meaning in context.
Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 |
Adulterate (v.) Def.) To make worse through the addition of something | Adroit (adj.) Def.) Clever or skilled with use of hands/mind | Alienate (v.) To cause someone to feel othered. |
Augment (v.) Def.) To make larger | Extol (v.) Def.) praise enthusiastically. | Culinary (adj.) Of or for cooking. |
Deploy (v.) Def.) To position in a certain place. | Feasible (adj.) Able to be done, possible. | Delete (v.) To eliminate, erase. |
Opulent (adj.) Def.) Wealthy, rich, luxurious. | Jeopardy (n.) Danger | Demise (n.) A death, an end of something. |
Verbatim (adj.) Def.) Written down exactly as it was said, used in the context of a speech | Meticulous (adj.) Done will care, skill, precision. | Negligible (adj.) Something of so little importance it is not worth mentioning |
Warily (adj.) Def.) Done with care, cautiously. | Quintessence (n.) The purest/ most basic form of something. | Perpetuate (v.) To continue/further. |
Unit 4 | Unit 5 |
Ascertain (v.) To make sure, or become certain, of. | Benefactor (n.) A person who gives money for good causes. |
Expunge (v.) To remove completely. | Dearth (n.) A scarcity or lack of something. |
Malevolent (adj.) showing a wish to do evil to others | Embark (v.) To set sail. |
Nonchalant (adj.) Appearing casual or calm. | Infallible (adj.) Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong |
Omniscient (adj.) All knowing. | Repose (n.) (v.) (n.) a state of rest or sleep (v.) to be lying or kept in a particular place |
Scrupulous (Adj.) Diligent, extremely attentive to detail | Unfeigned (adj.) Genuine, not feigned, true. |