ELL1013F L3 - One Thousand and One Nights

ELL1013F: The One Thousand and One Nights

  • Course Title: Alf Layla wa-Layla

  • Instructor: Hassana Moosa

  • Email: hassana.moosa@uct.ac.za

  • Location: AC Jordan 124


  • Reminder to register attendance for today's lecture.

Lectures Part 2 - Recap

  • The 1001 Nights is described as ‘authorless’, showcasing contributions from various writers and tellers.

  • This authorship enables diverse interpretations of the tales, unshackling them from a singular author’s intent.

  • Framing narratives and embedded stories are integral structural devices within the 1001 Nights.

  • Shahrazad’s framing story is pivotal, encompassing broad themes allowing multiple interpretations.

Discussion Points

  • What is the impact of the framing narrative on the embedded stories?

  • How does Shahrazad's use of embedded stories reinforce her purpose?

  • What are the interconnections between Shahrazad's story and other narratives within the collection?

Lecture 3 - Narrative Strategies: Time and Power

  • Exploration of Shahrazad’s storytelling techniques.

  • Investigation of narrative strategies used and their impact.

  • Identifying narrative techniques and their effects on the listening audience.

Key Concept: Close Reading

  • Definition: An in-depth analysis focused on a short text.

  • A close reading considers the small section closely while connecting it to broader contexts.

  • The close reading argument must articulate the significance beyond the specific text.

Key Concept: Close Analysis

  • Process of analyzing language to substantiate a reading or interpretation.

  • Close readings support specific points or ideas derived from texts.

Key Concept: Elements of Close Reading

  • Literary Devices: Analyze metaphors, similes, personification, and other figures of speech.

  • Grammar and Punctuation: Examine use of commas, full stops, and syntax.

  • Structure and Organisation: Focus on narrative flow, order, and time.

  • Vocabulary: Assess adjectives, nouns, verbs, and expressions.

  • Context: Consider socio-historical context and its relevance within the text.

Shahrazad’s Aims

  • Shahrazad attempts to persuade her father to marry her to King Shahrayar to save the kingdom's women from his reign of violence, highlighting her courage.

  • She seeks to delay her death through storytelling, stating her intention to keep the King engaged and alive.

  • Shahrazad’s strategy is rooted in her resistance against the tyranny of the King, showcasing her role as a savior of her peers.

Shahrazad’s Achievements

  • Utilizes narrative strategies to effectively delay events and avoid execution.

  • Her storytelling not only entertains but serves a critical survival mechanism.

Shahrazad’s Temporal Narrative Strategies


  • Definition: A technique of creating anticipation by withholding information.

  • Techniques include foreshadowing, cliffhangers, and dramatic irony.

Suspense in Practice

  • Example: On her first night, Shahrazad leaves a cliffhanger, fostering audience engagement and anticipation.

  • Effect: The physical pause in her narrative emphasizes the built suspense and keeps both the characters and the audience waiting.

Distraction via Detail

  • Strategy: Uses elaborate details to embellish narratives, thus slowing the passage of time.

  • Evidence: The extensive detailing of the food and ambiance in her stories diverts attention from the looming threat of death.

Distraction via Convolution

  • Technique: Embeds complex stories within her main narrative, creating layers of distraction.

  • Example: The structure of the stories often leads to an experience of infinite narrative possibilities, enhancing the depth of each session's storytelling.

Mis en Abyme

  • Definition: The double-mirroring effect created through embedding narratives, often leading to infinite regress.

  • Analogous examples include plays within plays and films within films (e.g., Hamlet, Fellini's 8½).

Confusion with Timelines

  • Claim: Shahrazad manipulates the listener's perception of time by presenting stories in a non-linear fashion.

  • Example: Various stories feature mixed timelines, leading to narrative ambiguity and engaging the audience on multiple levels.

  • Analysis of transitions in temporal orientation within her stories enhances the depth of her narrative control.


  • Shahrazad’s storytelling techniques serve as a mechanism not only for survival but also as a broader metaphor for resistance against oppression, showcasing her intelligence and creativity.
