4. X-Ray Image Formation


  • As photons interact with matter, they are absorbed, scattered, and/or transmitted

  • Transmitted (& some scattered) photons reach the x-ray detector

  • Photon interaction depends on the material’s density and atomic number, as well as the photon’s energy

Modes of Interaction

* Orange highlight indicates the mode is more likely to occur in diagnostic imaging

Rayleigh (Coherent) Scattering

  • In rayleigh scattering, the photon interacts with an entire atom and is deflected into a new direction

  • Little to no change in photon energy with scattering

  • More likely in mammography

  • Electrons within the matter oscillate in phase when the photon interacts, but none are ejected

  • The higher the atomic number, the more likely rayleigh scattering is

  • Rayleigh scattering has a pretty low energy range, but this affects quality

Compton Scattering

  • Compton is the most common mode of interaaction within the imaging energy range

  • In compton scattering, the photon interacts with a single (probably valence) electron

  • Electron is ejected and the photon loses energy, veering off of its path

  • Compton scattering depends on material density and its electron density

  • Small note, 511 keV is a constant equal to one half of mc^2

Compton Scattering Compton Scattering Energy Equation

Photoelectric Effect

  • The photoelectric effect describes a photon interacting with a single electron, which bumps around energy levels

  • All of the photon’s energy is absorbed by the electron in the photoelectric effect

  • Energy absorbance in the photoelectric effect produces a photoelectron , an ion, and a low-energy characteristic radiation

  • Photoelectric energy produced = incident energy - binding energy

  • The photoelectric energy produced increases as atomic number increases, but decreases as the indicent energy increases (aka electrons might pass through without being absorbed) Photoelectric Effect

Pair Production

  • Pair Production occurs when the photon interacts with the nucleus

  • Energy must be greater than 1.02 MeV (double the static general photon energy, which is 511) to produce a positron-electron pair

  • The energy range for pair production is used more in radiation therapy than in diagnostic imaging

  • Positron and electron may interact and produce a pair of annihilation photons in the opposite direction, each with 511 keV


  • Photodisintegration occurs when the photon interacts with the nucleus

  • A nuclear particle is produced

  • Requires VERY high energy

Energy & Modes of Interactions

Energy vs Relative Probability: Modes of Interactions

Propagation Model - Beer’s Law

  • N0 is the number of incident photons, N is the number of photons coming out of a material, and Δx is the distance the photons travel (object’s thickness)

  • Beer’s Law: N = N0 * e^-μΔx

  • μ is the linear attenuation coefficient

    • cm^-1

    • μ is dependent on material density and atomic number

    • Usually between 0.05 and 0.5 cm^-1

    • Mass attenuation coefficient: μ / density
