Diepkloof cave- rock shelter that contained some of the eraliest signs of human use of symbols
Petroglyphs- images on rocks
Large fauna style- style of cave/stone painting that were popular in the 7500-5000 BCE that depicted animals
Round Head Style- figures outlines in black or white, could be a simple silhouette or have markings on the body. 8000- 6000 BCE
Pastoralist style- scenes of cattle, women, men and children that was pigment bound with cattle milk painted on cave walls. 6300-700 BCE
Horus- bird creature/ God
Votive- figure or object used for prayers, offerings and gifts to Gods.
Papyrus- conventionally used to symbolize Lower (northern) Egypt
Bas-relief (low-relief)- shallow stone engravings
Registers- When the content of a piece of work had sections of engravings/paintings. Content is split up
Composite view- Figures are posed with the lower body and head facing the side while the torso faces the front. Twisted perspective
Hierarchy of Scale- the bigger the figure the more important/ high class
Iconography- identification, description and interpretation of a piece of work
Serekh- fortress that bounds the kings name in hieroglyphs
Canon of proportions- any sitting or standing figure will match proportion
Heliopolis- one of the oldest ancient civilizations of egypt
Upper Egypt: Southern egypt, symbolized by the lotus and the white crown
Lower Egypt- northern egypt, symbolized by papyrus and the red crown
Ka- spiritual double that survived a person's death but required a body to survive
Mastabas- rectangular superstructure of ancient Egyptian tombs
Ben-Ben Stone- what all pyramids are based from
Re/Ra- the sun God
Serdab- chamber for statue of deceased
Parts of the Great Pyramids
Silhouette with original facing stone
Thieves tunnels
Grand gallery
Kings chamber
So called queens chamber
False tomb chamber
Relieving blocks
Mortuary temple- place of worship for the deceased king
Cause way- long covered footpath from the entrance of the pyramids entrance to the rest of the structure
Valley temple- marks the funeral procession before buriel
Boundary wall- surrounds the pyramids to protect the king
Abydos- city in ancient egypt
Nemes- headdress adorned with a uraeus
Uraeus- serpent that protected the king
False beard- symbol worn by the pharoah that connected him to osiris, the god of the underworld
Idealization- artists creating things that are a perfect reflection of their own ideals, beliefs, faiths and cultures
Pylon- monumental gateways to temple complexes
Triad temple: Smen(Sun), Mut(mother goddess), Khons (moon, their son)- three gods that were hugely worhsipped in ancient Egypt
Axial path- path into the temple of a king that is on an axis
Symmetry- an object/Subject that is the exact same on each side if split down the middle
Hypostyle – hall inside of a temple that is a room full of columns holding up a roof, lets light in that creates certain shadows and curates the energy and emotion needed to enter a kings tomb
Post and lintel construction- two or more posts holding up a horizontal beam
Primordial marsh- reference to creation and life
Hieroglyphs- writing system of ancient egypt
Clerestory- lighting inside of temples caused by the columns
El- Qurn- point of the theben hills and resembles a pyramid when viewed from the entrance to valley of the kings
Valley of the kings- a low point in thebes that many tombs were carved into (valley of the dead)
Power over nature - divine ability to control and command our natural world
Order (Ma’at)- Goddess and personification of truth, cosmic balance and justice.
Female King- Hatshepsut, ca 1473- 1458 BCE
Aten/ Aton- religious system in ancient egypt
Amarna period- period of time in the 1300’s BCE, leader Akenhaten introduced many religious reforms
Sunken relief- low relief carvings set below the surface.
Ankh- hieroglyph word for life
Signs of kingship
Nemes headdress
False beard
Shows herself as male
Claimed to be the daughter of Amen-Re
Obelisk- Tall, skinny and tapering monoment with a pyramid like structure on top, symbol for past
Subterranean- existing or created under the earths surface
Exana - king that converts Egypt to christianity
Mussolini- invaded ethiopia and stole funerary monoliths
Zagwe dynasty- family that ruled ethiopia in the 1300-1200s BCE
New jurusalem- Gods city, the holy place that God and his people will live in
Central Plan- a structure built around a central point
Dome- hemispeherical structure often found as decoration over a mihrab
Talisman- an object that has religious or magical powers that heal, protect or harm whom their made for.
Debtera- religious figure in ethiopian religion
Ge’ez- South semitic language in Ethiopia
Baal- God worshipped in Ancient Middle-eastern communitites
Tanit- Punic goddess
Tophet- location in jerusalem/ place of burning
Colosseum- 360 ampitheater in rome
Arcades- columns attached to a wall
Qur'ran/ Koran- sacred book
Islam- “submission to the one God”
Calligraphy- practiced as sacred artistic expression
Kufic script- script used by early calligraphers for transcription of the Koran and architecual decor
Five pillars- principles of islamic practice
Qibla wall- wall in the moque that faces the Mecca
Mihrab- niche in the quibla wall that indicates prayer direction
Kaaba - Islams sacred center. Direction of qibla (prayer)
Minaret- tower built into mosques to protect prayer
Hadj – pilgrimmage to the holy city of Mecca
Mecca- holiest city in islam, point or direction of prayer
Mesjid- Muslim place of worship
Minbar- where prayers are led from
Wudu- purification ritual
Buttress- architectural support or reinforcement
Khaymah- nomadic groups in black tents
Rataya- saddle rug
Inadan- term for artists in ancient Northern Africa
Ettama- mystical power
Tifinagh alphabet- Berber language script
Evil eye - Believed to carry healing qualities or to embody magical attributes that guard against misfortune