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English Midterm Concepts and Terms

archetype / archetypal setting & character epic conventions (see p. 14-15 PDF) -epic -epic hero / conflict -in medias res -serious tone -epic simile -divine intervention -quest -epithet mood metaphor / extended metaphor personification tone monotheism / polytheism (and cultures) chronological order imagery dialogue allusion assonance / alliteration onomatopoeia parallelism (adding, negating, 100% repeat)

hyperbole cultural values simile characteristics of folktales (see “F & J”) frame story aphorism analogy generalization allegory dharma Atman / Brahman non-attached work / caste reincarnation parable paradox ballad / narrative poem haiku caesura kigo didactic literature


English Midterm Concepts and Terms

archetype / archetypal setting & character epic conventions (see p. 14-15 PDF) -epic -epic hero / conflict -in medias res -serious tone -epic simile -divine intervention -quest -epithet mood metaphor / extended metaphor personification tone monotheism / polytheism (and cultures) chronological order imagery dialogue allusion assonance / alliteration onomatopoeia parallelism (adding, negating, 100% repeat)

hyperbole cultural values simile characteristics of folktales (see “F & J”) frame story aphorism analogy generalization allegory dharma Atman / Brahman non-attached work / caste reincarnation parable paradox ballad / narrative poem haiku caesura kigo didactic literature