-What group conquered Gaul from the Romans? Franks
-What is a water-filled ditch? Moat
-What is a Vassal Estate: Feif
-Name all of the new technologies from the agricultural revolution: Iron plow, harness for horses
-What is a loosely organized system of rules where powerful local lords divided their landowning between lesser lords? Feudalism
-Who was the Pope who crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans? Pope Leo III
-What is a lord's estate called? Estate
-Who are the people who paid rent for their land? Tennant farmers
-What is Papal Supremacy: When the Pope controls everything
-Explain what the Bill of Exchange is: Exchanging money from one countries to another.
-At what age would you start an apprenticeship? 7
-What is an exchange of pledges between lords and vassals?
Feudal Contract
-What is a sparsely undeveloped area on the outskirts of a civilization? Frontier.
-What is a body of the laws developed by a church? Cannon Laws.
-What is a mounted warrior: Knight
-What is Aachen: Charlemagnes Capital
-Name all 3 of the Benedictine Rules: Vow of poverty, Vow of Chastity, and Obedience to the head of the house.
-At what age could one start training to become a knight? 7
-What required knights to be brave, loyal, and true to their word? Chivalry
-What are battles where lords would invite mountain warriors from surrounding areas to enter contests of fighting skills? Tournaments
-What is a written document that sets out the rights and privileges of the town? Charter
-What is a church tax called: Tithe
-Who was the first queen of France? Eleanor of Aquitaine
-What is a journeyman? A salaried worker
-What is it called when a person cannot receive the sacraments of a Christian burial? Excommunication
-What are the sacred rights of the church? Sacraments
-What kind of learning did Charlemagne want in his kingdom? Latin Learning
-What country are the papal states in? Italy
-Who was the first king of the Franks? Clovis
-Who are the believers of Islam? Muslims
-Who are lesser lords who pledge service and loyalty to the greater lord? Vassals
-At what age did most peasants live to? 35
-What treaty split Charlemagne's empire into 3? Treaty of Verdun
-What is the Bill of Exchange? Exchanging money from one country to another.
-What was the heart of the medieval economy? Manor
-Who came up with the rules for monks and nuns? Benedict
-Who were the nomadic people that settled in Hungary? Magyrs
-Who performed marriages, baptisms, and funerals? Priests.
-What was the leader of the Franks at the Battle of Tours? Charles Martel
-What 2 groups fought at the battle of Tours? Franks & The Muslims
-Who created a curriculum AND was in charge of the school? Alchen of York
-What was the formal base of Latin Learning? Curriculum
-Where did nuns live? Convents
-Where did monks live? Monestheries
-What was Achen? Charlemagnes Capital