Chapter 2 (A) - Early Humans

Chapter 2: Early Humans: Prehistory to 3500 BC

Historical Timeline

  • Introduction to historical periods before 3500 BC.

Dating System

  • BCE (Before Common Era) / BC (Before Christ)

  • CE (Common Era) / AD (Anno Domini – Latin for "In the Year of the Lord")

  • Timeline visual representation: 2000 BC to 2000 AD.

Defining Civilization

  • Civilization is often viewed through a value judgment basis.

  • Criteria used to assess civilization include:

    • Food surpluses

    • Population density

    • Social stratification

    • Taxation systems

Factors of Civilization

  • Labor specialization seen in different roles:

    • Farmers

    • Herders

    • Artisans

    • Administrators

  • Regular trade and goods exchange.

  • Accumulated learning contributing to civilization.

Characteristics of Civilization

  • Urbanization demonstrates increased population in settlements.

  • Social changes occurring due to population growth.

  • Technological advancements in tool development.

  • Long-distance trade links established.

  • Symbolic communication through art and writing.

Chapter Timeline

  • 25,000 to 100,000 years ago: Early human migrations and development events.

  • Homo habilis and Homo sapiens milestones.

  • Sites like Göbekli Tepe emerge around 12,000 years ago.

Early Humans: Development of Culture

Early Hominids

  • Hominids began walking upright 6 to 8 million years ago, originating in Africa.

  • The first fossils found in Olduvai Gorge by Louis and Mary Leakey provide crucial insights.

Becoming Modern Man

  • Genus Homo appears around 2.4 million years ago.

  • Key species include Homo habilis, Homo neandertalensis, and Homo erectus leading to Homo sapiens.

  • Development of stone tools evident in prehistoric findings.

Migration of Early Humans

  • Human migration out of Africa began approximately 45,000 years ago.

  • Various settlements across continents have been documented.

  • Connections between early human settlements in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Paleolithic Age (1,000,000 - 10,000 BC)

  • Characterized by:

  • No plant cultivation

  • Hunter-gatherer lifestyle

  • Existence of small, nomadic tribes

  • Limited control over nature

  • Evidence of religious faith and use of magic

Division of labor based on se.

Role of Women in the Paleolithic Era

  • Women assumed roles to support child-rearing while engaging in tasks such as:

    • Spinning

    • Weaving

    • Food preparation

    • Plant sheltering.

Dolni Vestonice

  • Site in the Czech Republic dating back to 27,500 years ago.

  • Unique construction:

    • Mammoth bone palisade

    • Defense structure design

    • Central hearth features.

Artistic Expression in Prehistory

Dolni Vestonice Venus

  • Clay figurines representing early sculpture, notably not fully understood in purpose.

Lascaux Cave Paintings

  • Created around 30,000 years ago in Southeast France.

  • Art primarily depicts local fauna using natural pigments.

Neolithic Age (10,000 - 3500 BC)

  • Marked a shift to:

    • Agriculture and domestication of animals.

    • Settled living as opposed to nomadic.

    • Enhanced control over environment and food sources.

  • This transition led to the development of permanent settlements, which facilitated the growth of communities and the emergence of trade.

Comparison: Paleolithic vs. Neolithic

  • Significant differences in lifestyle, social structure, economy, and health:

    • From hunter-gatherer groups to complex agricultural societies.

  • Emergence of food surpluses and societal hierarchies.

Women in the Neolithic Era

  • Greater involvement in food production and storage.

  • Shift in roles leading to societal changes and organization.

Natufian Adaptation

  • 12000 - 9500 BC

  • Rise of sedentary living and the cultivation of cereal grains such as rye

Noteworthy Neolithic Settlements

Göbekli Tepe

  • Possibly the oldest temple, built around 12,000 BC.

  • Structures indicate large gatherings but no permanent habitation noted.


  • Founded around 9600 BC following the flooding of the Jordan River.

  • Developed farming practices leading to its growth into a city with basic infrastructures.


  • Established in Turkey around 7000 BC,

  • Featured burial practices, craftsmanship, and uniform housing structures.
