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Chapter 1 Cardio

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Chapter 1 Cardio

Cardiorespiratory Fitness PHED 101


  • The cardiorespiratory system refers to the combined functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, crucial for sustaining life through oxygen delivery and waste removal.

Cell Count in the Human Body

  • Estimated Cell Count: Approximately 40 trillion cells in an average human.

  • Debate and Technology Limitations: Scientists have not reached a consensus on the exact number due to technological constraints.

Cellular Function and Energy

  • Basic Unit of Life: Cells require energy to function and stay alive.

  • Energy Source: Cells obtain energy through cellular respiration, converting nutrients into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of cells.

Respiratory System Functionality

  • Oxygen Absorption: Oxygen enters the body primarily via the bronchi and bronchioles, allowing diffusion, while carbon dioxide is expelled.

  • Role in Cardiorespiratory System: Acts as the entry point for oxygen and plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis through gas exchange.

Cardiovascular System Overview

  • Function: Delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells while managing waste and removing carbon dioxide.

  • Structure: Comprised of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, serving as a transport and regulatory system.

  • Descriptive Analogy: Often referred to as the "Road/Transport System" or "Traffic Control and Public Safety" of the body.

Cardiac Structure

  • The heart has four chambers:

    • Left Atrium and Left Ventricle: Carry oxygen-rich blood (red).

    • Right Atrium and Right Ventricle: Carry oxygen-poor blood (blue).

  • Double Circulatory System: The right side pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation, while the left side pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

Blood Vessel Functions

  • Arteries: Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart (except the pulmonary artery), have thick muscle walls and narrow lumens, and operate under high pressure.

  • Veins: Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart (except the pulmonary vein), have thinner walls, wider lumens, and contain one-way valves to prevent backflow.

Blood Flow Process

  • Arterioles and Capillaries: Arteries branch into smaller arterioles, leading to capillaries where nutrient and gas exchange occurs.

  • Venules to Veins: Capillaries feed into venules, forming veins for return to the heart.

Cardiac Output and Fitness

  • Cardiac Output (Q): Average blood volume pumped per minute during rest and vigorous exercise, crucial for muscle oxygenation during physical activity.

  • Cardiorespiratory Fitness Definition: The ability to deliver oxygen efficiently from lungs to working muscles.

Measuring Cardiorespiratory Fitness

  • A-VO2 Difference: The difference in oxygen levels in arterial and venous blood, showing the efficiency of oxygen use during activity. Greater differences indicate better fitness levels.

  • VO2 Max: Maximum rate of oxygen consumption during exercise, indicative of fitness level.

  • Measurement Process: Involves a mask and heart rate monitor to assess oxygen intake and usage during progressive intensity exercise until consumption plateaus.

Metabolic Considerations

  • Fick's Equation: Vo2 = Q x (A-VO2 diff) helps in understanding the components that lead to effective oxygen utilization by muscles during physical activity.

Heart Rate as a Fitness Proxy

  • The relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption allows for non-invasive estimation of VO2 max through heart rate monitoring during exercises of increasing intensity.

Exercise Guidelines: FITT Principles

  • Frequency: Moderate exercise (5 times a week) and vigorous exercise (3 times a week) with cross-training recommended to reduce injury risk.

  • Intensity: Adjust based on personal factors and use heart rate reserve to gauge intensity levels (40%-90% of HRR).

  • Time: Minimum recommended activity durations vary based on intensity type (e.g., 150 minutes/week for moderate intensity).

  • Type: Activities should be based on fitness levels and personal preference for effective engagement and adherence.

Special Focus: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Effectiveness: HIIT involves short bursts of high-intensity exercises followed by recovery periods, potentially offering cardiovascular benefits in a shorter time frame compared to traditional endurance training.

  • Caution: Higher risk of injuries and unsuitable for individuals with pre-existing cardiorespiratory conditions without medical consultation.


  • Understanding and improving cardiorespiratory fitness through consistent exercise and awareness of body responses (e.g., heart rate monitoring) is essential for overall health and performance.