test 3


  • Jefferson & "Strict Construction" – view that presidents and federal government were constrained to what the Constitution says explicitly                       

  • Louisiana Purchase – land purchase from the French in 1803 that doubled the size of the United States. Costed 15 million. 

  • Embargo Act 1807 – American ships were forbidden from sailing into the Atlantic ocean and trading with Europe. 

    • British factories couldn’t make clothes

    • No imports from Britain (China too)

    •  No impressment

    • More US manufactures                                                

  • Marbury v. Madison – Judiciary Act declared that a President has the power to hire more federal judges when deemed necessary. Adams appoints more judges but certification is not done by Madison and Jefferson → Marbury sues

  • Supreme Court declares the Act to be unconstitutional → no advice or consent 

  • Set the precedent of judicial review (is a law constitutional or not)

  • Judicial Review – precedent set by the Marbury vs Madison case that gave the Supreme court the power to deem a law unconstitutional or not          

  • Barbary Pirates – pirates in the mediterranean sea from North Africa that attacked American Merchant ships → America built up their navy to deal with them                                                     

  • 1800 - "Second American Rev." – election between Jefferson and Adams. Polar opposite candidates that led to a peaceful transfer of power.                                           

  • Second Bank of the U.S. – successor to the first bank after it expired

  • Henry Clay's "American System" – government for internal improvements (infrastructure), high protective tariffs (guard younger industries), and 2nd national bank                          

  • War of 1812 – economic problems, Tecumseh organized big Native tribes → some speculated with help from Britain.

    • US defeats Tecumseh 

    • DC in flames, saved by a storm

  • Legacy

    • US respected as a power

    • Federalists discredited as a party

    • Secession now a precedent

    • Native Americans abandoned by Britain → US will push west 

  • Cotton gin and industrialism –  allowed for cotton to be processed efficiently and easily in the US, more factories. Industrialism rose as a result of harnessing electricity from the fast moving river water                             

  • Missouri Compromise – debates over which states are slave and which are non slave → north of line → not slave, south of line → slave state. Missouri was on the line (only one) became a slave state

  • Spoils System – newly elected president gets to put his people into government offices (he won so he gets to decides/ the spoils)                                                        

  • Tariffs of 1828 and 1832– highly protective tariff. Labeled as the Tariff of Abominations for its effects on the South. Used to protect young American factories 

  • Tariff of 1833 – guarantees the lowering of tariffs, response to the effects of previous tariffs

  • Expansion of suffrage – expansion of suffrage to men, regardless of religion and property                                 

  • Monroe Doctrine – no more European presence in the Americas (current colonies can remain)

  • Erie Canal – part of transportation revolution → increased efficiency of transported goods for factories, people/ ideas outwest                                                               

  • Lowell Factories - the "model" – factories that were mainly young unmarried women, conditions were great compared to those in Europe/ anywhere at the time period. 

  • Treaty of Ghent – treaty that ended the war of 1812, continued the status quo                                                      

  • Lewis and Clark – explorers sent by Jefferson to explore west                                                              

  • American Colonization Society – encouraged the resettlement of slaves back in Africa 

  • Civil Disobedience – Breaking a law you find to be wrong and appear in court against it                                                 

  • Abolitionism & Underground Railroad – the rising idea of the abolition of slavery as it contradicted the Constitution. Underground Railroad → trail that slaves took to go to the North and escape

  • Texas and Independence – Mexico let Americans into the texan territory, backfired and Americans wanted independence, eventually led to Texas joining the US                                       

  • Mexican War – war over Texas, US gained a lot of territory

  • Manifest Destiny – belief that it is America's destiny to control land coast to coast                                                     

  • Oregon Territory – conflict over who owned the territory, Britain had good reasons but US populated it more

  • Mexican Cession – region of land that Mexico gave to the US as a part of the treaty after the Mexican war                                                  

  • Trail of Tears, Indian Removal Act – Natives removed from their land and into Oklahoma, forced to walk their, many die 

  • California Gold Rush – discovery of gold in California that led to an influx of immigration to California, very diverse immigrants.                                              

  • Fugitive Slave Act – escaped slaves that were found had to be returned back to their owner 


President Adams – second president of the United States. Demonstrated peaceful transfer of power after losing the election of 1800.m

Jefferson – third president of the United states. Builds navy, reduces federal budget, starts building of Washington DC and does Louisiana purchase even though it goes against his own views

Madison – refused to certify the Judiciary act. Got sued by Maurbury but won. 

Monroe – made the Monroe doctrine which forbidden Europe intervention in the Americas 

JQ Adams – sixth president of the US. promoted national modernization and economic development 

Jackson – Regarded as a hero for his victories in wars. Indian removal Act and Second National Bank 

Van Buren – presidency during the bank panic of 1837 

Harrison – military victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe against Native American forces led by Tecumseh, president but died due to illness 

James K. Polk – Manifest destiny portrayal 

Aaron Burr –  presidential candidate, lost and fought hamilton in a duel      

Henry Clay – known for “Clay’s American System”

John C. Calhoun –  nullification and agreed with Madison on refusing Judicial Act           

Tecumsah – Native American tribe leader that organized multiple tribes against any further American encroachment → loses war and dies, many tribes are displaced 

Nicholas Biddle – american financier 

Nat Turner – led a violent slave revolt in Virginia 1831             

Denmark Vesey – inspired by the Haitian Revolution, he led a slave rebellion that was betrayed                  

Horace Mann – proposed the idea of a common school

Elizabeth Cady Stanton – leader of the Seneca Falls convention                                

Stephen Douglas – Kansas Nebraska Act            

Ralph Waldo Emerson – leader of the transcendental movement

Henry David Thoreau – Civil Disobedience                                

Eli Whitney – invented the cotton gin
