Trait - habitual patterns of behavior, thought, emotions that are relatably stable for a specific time.
How many traits does a person possess? how do we measure traits? how many traits exist? — these are the questions of this theory.
Gordon Allport (kasama niya si Odbert dito)- used dictionary and found 17, 953 words that describe the trait of a person.
compromise: it is good as it gives “individualistic” or unique description to people but it’s marami.
Raymond Cattel - used words search that describe a trait, like what Allport did. The difference was, he turned these descriptions into questions. Then, he used L-data (life data) na pinasagutan sa secondary source para malaman ang trait ng target person. Gumamit naman ng Q-data (questionnaire data) na pinasagutan sa target person. They correlate this (for each people na pinag-aaralan niya) and he found clusters.
the clusters are then turned to 16 personality factor traits.
He was commended from using data. His approach was called “empiricist approach”. Speficially, an exploratory factor analysis
Eysenck /ay-singk/ - empiricist approach din. it used confirmatory factor analysis
Imbis na 16 ay 3 personality factors daw - extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism (look at the bullets)
high-low: outgoing warm or reserved
high-low: emotionally stable or unstable
high-low: sociability/nakiki-halubilo or anti-social
Criteria for trait theory: (not needed to review)
ito ito raw yung dapat makita sa isang theory.
psychometric soundness - consistency and accuracy.
the theory shuold be theoretically making sense
it should predict social phenomenon
Paul Costa and Robert Mccrae’s Five Factor Model - it’s an integration of 16 and 3 factor traits from previous people to form their five factor (big five).
Big five:
a. high - anxious
b. low - calm
High - curious, imaginative, original, creative
Low - prefers conventional, routine-inclined, uncreative,
High - trusting, emphatic, helpful, friendly, lenient, people pleaser
Low - suspicious, doubtful, uncooperative, competitive
High - organized, careful, disciplined
Low - disorganized, careless, impulsve
high - talking, fun, affectionate
low - reserved, quiet
It is a big achievement to have the five factor trait turned from taxonomy to theory. Theory generates research and can explain/predict behaviors.
Taxonomy is mere classification but theory explains behavior and generates research.
The strength of their five factor was: they observed that traits remain the same until old age provided that the person has no alzhemier’s disease.
Basic tendencies - raw material personality capacity and disposition of a person. an example would be “how quickly do you learn?” it can be biological. i am predispositioned to learn abruptly. yung OCEAN ay basic tendencies.
Characteristic adaptations - ****the ability to change.
Self-concept - your evaluation of who you are. it does not matter if it’s accurate or not. personal myths are included. it is a form of characteristic adaptations, it changes.
peripheral components of personality
biological bases - bases of basic tendencies. but note that not only biology (like genes or hormones or brain structure ang nakakaapekto sa basic tendencies). nakakaapekto rin ang early experience.
objective biography - this does not make sense in the book, but to quote, they said theorists are concerned “with what happened in a person’s life than what the person viewed from such experiences.”
Other things from the book:
Cattell and McCrae-Costa used inductive method. Ibig sabihin, they do not have preconcieved statement or hypothesis while doing the research. Others used deductive method.