fill in the blank

  1. Art historians from Giorgio Vasari in the 16th century to today regard Giotto di Bondone of Florence as the first Renaissance painter. 

  1. Nicola Pisano was a master sculptor carved pulpits incorporating marble panels that stylistically derive from ancient Roman sculptures. 

  1. Giovanni Pisano was a sculptor of church pulpits whose work more closely reflects French Gothic sculpture. 

  1. Artists of Duccio period derived the formality and symmetry of his composition from Byzantine painting. 

  1. Cimabue was Giotto's teacher. 

  1. Maniera Greca or the “Greek manner” is the Italo-Byzantine painting style of the 13th century. 

  1. Between 1395 and 1425 Claus Sluter carved life-size statues of biblical figures with portrait like features for Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy. 

  1. Two important Flemish artists were Robert Campin and Jan van Eyck 

  1. The most innovative early-15th-century manuscript illuminators were the three Limbourg brothers—Pol, Merman, Jean. 

  1. The name of one family—the Medici of Florence—has become synonymous with the extraordinary cultural phenomenon called the Italian Renaissance. 

  1. Botticelli painted Birth of Venus for the Medici based on a poem by Angelo Poliziano, a leading humanist of the day. 

  1. In Italy in the 1500s, or the Cinquecento, the greatest art patron was the Catholic Church headed by the pope in Rome. 

  1. Monalisa is a portrait that is a prime example of Leonardo’s famous smoky sfumato technique.  

  1. Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel under commission from Pope Julius II. 

  1. Leonardo da Vinci was trained in the studio of Andrea del Verrocchio. 

  1. Michelangelo was trained in the studio of Domenico Ghirlandaio. 
