Why did the main battleship sink: mine under the ship but they’re not entirely sure
The goal of the populist movement: they wanted the direct election of senators and the coinage of silver
Why did the US declare war on Spain?: because of the sinking of the US Maine ship
Head of Steel: Carnegie
Reconstruction: how they control voting rights
Literacy tests, poll taxes, intimidation
Why does reconstruction fail?: It its abandoned because of backlash (the federal government ended it)
How do business leaders establish companies?: vertical integration or horizontal integration
Difference between Rockafeller (horizontal) and Carnegie (Rockefeller)
Teller Amendment: said Cuba would be free after the war, the Plaid Amendment undid it
Roughriders: organized by Teddy Roosevelt
Muckraker: writers that exposed problems in society
Upton Sinclair: The Jungle: meat. FDA and Meat Inspection Act came out
Progressive Amendments: 16, 17, 18, 19
Women get to vote bc Alice Paul pushing Woodrow Wilson. They were arrested for obstruction of traffic. Amendment gets added to the constitution
Difference between: NAWSA (Old) and NWP
WW1: alliances. Which group with which group?: Triple Entente: France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy? Axis powers: Germany
Most Americans believe we’re neutral and okay in ww1
What brings the US into war?: Unrestricted submarine warfare
Zimmerman Telegram: telegram between Germans and Mexicans (if the US joins the war effort we want you)
Woodrow Wilson runs on a peace platform for his reelection, US declares war later
Impact: Economy explodes, 22,000 new millionaires, trade massive amounts with allies, US becomes leading economic power in the world
The US is not ready for war but industrially we are, but we lack people
US pays with income tax and bonds
The sinking of the Lusitania: does NOT start a war but Britains think it will bring US into it
Herbert Hoover: Hoover house, conserve, less meat and gardens
Why does the US fight? War to end all wars
Roosevelt first breaks up Northern Securities
Why does Woodrow Wilson win 1912?: the republican party is divided
Taft gave away land
Immigration: bulk came from Eastern and Southern Europe
In 1919 race riots broke out because the black men who came back from the war wanted equal rights
Woodrow Wilson's goal for the Treaty of Versailles: the creation for a league of nations
Jazz music: founded in New York in Harlem, Paris, New Orleans
Kellog brand pact: a law that outlaws war