The executive power is vested in the President of the Philippines.
Acts of the President to faithfully execute laws enacted by Congress.
Nominate and appoint heads of executive departments, ambassadors, and officers of armed forces with consent of the Commission on Appointments.
Appoint officers not otherwise provided for by law.
Appointments during Congress recess are effective until disapproved or Congress adjourns.
The President has control over all executive departments, bureaus, and offices ensuring laws are executed faithfully.
Commander-in-Chief of armed forces; may call out forces to suppress violence, invasion, or rebellion.
Can declare martial law for up to sixty days, suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
Report to Congress within 48 hours of such declaration.
Power to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons excluding impeachment cases.
May also grant amnesty with Congressional concurrence.
Submit a budget within 30 days of congressional sessions as basis for appropriations.
Nominate and sign treaties, which need consent of two-thirds of the Senate.
Must be a natural-born citizen, at least 40 years old, literate, and a resident for at least 10 years prior to the election.
Vice-President shares same qualifications and is elected concurrently with the President.
President and Vice-President serve six-year terms without re-election eligibility.
Elections held on the second Monday of May.
Settles actual controversies involving enforceable rights and checks for abuse of discretion by government branches.
Original jurisdiction over cases involving ambassadors and constitutional questions.
Review decisions of lower courts regarding constitutionality, legality of taxes, or questions of jurisdiction.
Appoint officials and enforce legal procedures.
Courts can declare laws unconstitutional.
Judicial review checks legislation’s compliance with the Constitution and protects against abuse of power.
Prohibits unreasonable searches; warrants require probable cause and specific descriptions.
Evidence obtained from illegal searches is inadmissible in court.
Must issue based on probable cause determined personally by a judge.
Includes detailed descriptions of what is being searched and seized.
No law shall abridge freedom of expression or establishment of religion.
People’s right to assemble peacefully for redress is protected.
Freedom to change residence may only be restricted by law or court order for national security, public safety, or health reasons.
No political detention based solely on beliefs.