Important reminders as the semester approaches the end.
Feedback on outlines is encouraged; students should confirm receipt and ask questions.
Students will earn an additional 10 points on their rubric by acknowledging feedback.
Definition: A working outline is not the final version; it can evolve as the student prepares.
Flexibility is key: students may adjust their speeches based on flow and effectiveness.
Example: Changing opening stories or statistics that don't feel robust during practice is acceptable.
No need to submit rewritten outlines; changes will be noted during the actual presentation.
Duration: Speech should last between 5 to 5.5 minutes.
Presentation Style: Aim for a conversational tone, avoiding distracting elements.
Be mindful of lighting and background distractions.
Fill the video frame with the speaker's face for better engagement.
Avoid reading directly from a script; this reduces authenticity.
Memorizing the speech can also detract from spontaneity.
It’s fine to have a brief outline or notes visible, and pauses to collect thoughts are natural and acceptable.
Students are encouraged to use small notes; reading is acceptable for citing quotes.
Examples of practical note-taking techniques are provided for reference.
Presentations are not graded by peers, which helps mitigate performance pressure.
Focus on following presentation directions rather than perfection.
Clothing choices matter; avoid distracting graphics or messages on attire unless relevant to the speech topic.
A polished presentation supports the ethos appeal, demonstrating professionalism and preparation.
Encourages students to utilize video discussions for practice to enhance presentation skills.
The goal of the assignments is to prepare for real-world scenarios like interviews or online meetings.
Technical Check: After uploading presentations, ensure visibility and volume settings work properly.
Pay attention to links if using external resources like YouTube.
Rhetorical Appeal Evaluation: Students must assess at least three peer presentations.
Choose presentations that clearly demonstrate ethos, pathos, or logos.
Evaluating lack of clarity in rhetorical appeals is a reason to select different presentations.
Encouragement on the learning journey from the presentations.
Instructor’s openness to questions and anticipation of insightful presentations.