Key Ideas:
Personality is shaped by unconscious drives and early childhood experiences.
Three structures of personality:
Id – Instinctual desires (pleasure principle).
Ego – Mediates between Id and reality (reality principle).
Superego – Morality and conscience.
Oral Stage (0-1 yr): Focus on sucking (fixation = dependency, oral fixation).
Anal Stage (1-3 yrs): Toilet training (fixation = control issues, OCD tendencies).
Phallic Stage (3-6 yrs): Oedipus/Electra complex (fixation = relationship issues).
Latency Stage (6-12 yrs): Social development, suppressed sexual feelings.
Genital Stage (12+ yrs): Mature relationships.
Repression: Pushing unwanted thoughts into the unconscious.
Denial: Refusing to accept reality.
Projection: Attributing your own feelings to someone else.
Displacement: Redirecting emotions to a safer target.
Sublimation: Channeling impulses into acceptable activities.
Deterministic: Behavior is driven by unconscious forces.
Tension Reduction: The goal of life is to reduce tension.
Universal Personality Structures: Everyone has an Id, Ego, and Superego.