A molecule consists of two or more atoms.
A compound consists of two or more elements.
Examples of Molecules:
Element molecules:
Hydrogen (H₂)
Oxygen (O₂)
Compound molecules:
Water (H₂O)
Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)
Definition: Allotropes are different forms of the same element.
Oxygen (O₂) vs. Ozone (O₃)
Phosphorus: Red phosphorus vs. White phosphorus
Carbon: Diamond vs. Graphite
Importance of studying subatomic particles and atomic structure.
Focus on the following:
Subatomic Particles:
Basic building blocks of atoms
Atoms of the same element with differing neutron numbers
Examples of isotopes and their significance.
Emphasis on how electrons are arranged in atoms.
Understanding the electron configuration is critical for predicting chemical behavior.