Unit 2 (Antebellum) Study Guide 5pts Extra Credit – Definition and Significance for each. Key Terms/Concepts 1. Election of 1824 (Corrupt Bargain) when JQA won even though he had less votes he still won the presidential election
2. Henry Clay played a key role in the part of shaping american politics created american system
3. The American System (3 parts) tariffs national banks internal improvements
4. Tariff of Abominations a high protective tariff that many opposed of
5. Erie Canal a canal that connected the hudson to the great lakes this made trade blow up in amount
6. Jacksonian Democracy the power of a common man was a political movement when jackson was president
7. The Spoils System the winning party followers got rewarded with government jobs after a while led to corruption
8. Indian Removal Act a federal law signed by jackson allowing forced native american removal
9. Worcester v. Georgia/Trail of Tears allowed the cherokee to live there own life was later ignored by jackson that caused trail of tears
10. Nat Turner’s Rebellion led on of the biggest slave rebellion in virginia significance was the growing conflict with slavery
11. Nullification Crisis conflict between the government and south carolina over tariffs law
12. Jackson’s Bank War he vetoed the recharter of the second bank of united states then later withdrawn government funds
13. The Whig Party a political party formed in 1830s they opposed of Jackson's policies
14. Panic of 1837 an economic downfall during 1837
15. Manifest Destiny the 19th century doctrine that americans were destined to expand westward while spreading religion
16. War of Texan Independence rebellion from texans against the mexican government later established the texan republican
17. Mexican American War conflict between the United States and Mexico resulting in the Americans gaining a lot of new land.
18. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo/Mexican Cession the treaty that ended Mexican American war resulting in Mexico giving us a bunch of land.
19. Gadsden Purchase a treaty between united states and mexico that got us 30,000 miles of land
20. Oregon Trail historical route taken by pioneers during the westward expansion going into oregon territory
21. Webster-Ashburton Treaty a treaty between the United states and Britain that settled border disputes between them
22. Oregon Annexation The Oregon territory was annexed by the United states in 1848 this got a huge state for us.
23. Antebellum Reform Movements social and political movements that occurred during the antebellum period that aimed at issues like slavery women's rights and education
24. Horace Mann Horace mann was known for his advacation of public education
25. Dorothea Dix an american reformer who was known for her advocacy of mental health care and tried to improve prison conditions
26. Abolitionism social and political movement aimed to abolish slavery
27. Gradualism, Repatriation slowly moving in the right direction gradual emancipation of slavery
28. David Walker an african american writer who wrote the Appeal to the Coloured Citizen of the world.
29. Henry Lloyd Garrison american abolitionist know for his book The Liberator he was seen as a leading figure in the abolitionist movement
30. Harriet Beecher Stowe an abolitionist known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin she helped bring lights to the issues with slavery showing the real side of things
31. The Grimke Sisters sisters that were known for taking and fight for women rights and the abolition of slavery
32. Frederick Douglas An african american known for his writing about how awful slavery was by using his own experience
33. Henry “Box” Brown he had escaped slavery by mailing himself out in a shipping box
34. Denmark Vesey made a plan for the slaves to take over the whole city of charleston ended up getting beheaded
35. The Amistad a spanish boat that was taken over by slaves in 1839 leading to a supreme court case
36. Sojourner Truth a women's rights and abolitionist known for her speech Ain't Ia Woman
37. Lucretia Mott an american abolitionist and women's rights activist advocated for women's suffrage and property rights
38. Elizabeth Cady Stanton became a reading figure in women rights movement and organized the seneca fall movement
39. Susan B Anthony traced america advocated women rights
40. Seneca Falls Conference the first ever women right convention in the united states was a marker for the start of women right movement
41. Declaration of Rights and Sentiments a document that was written at the Seneca fall conference saying womens deserve rights.
42. Second Great Awakening protestant movement in united states during early 19th century
43. Cult of Domesticity an idea that enforced womens to be be domestic caregiver
44. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young leaders of the latter day saints movement that is the mormons believed in family and missionary work
45. Utopian Communities an experimental community that planed on benign self sufficient and tried to create ideal society
46. Nationalism a political idea that emphasized loyalty
47. Neoclassical Architecture architecture inspired by ancient greek and romans
48. Alexis de Tocqueville french philosopher that wrote Democracy in America
49. Noah Webster wrote the first american dictionary
50. Hudson River School painters that remonetized american freedom and nature
51. Romanticism/Transcendentalism political movement that emphasized emotion and spirituality
52. Sectionalism political idea that emphasizes regional identity and loyalty contributed to growing tensions between north and south
53. Industrial Revolution a rapid increase in the industrialization of america and technology inventions
54. Cotton Gin made by eli whitney that help harvest cotton
55. Interchangeable Parts a mass production of identical parts increased the efficiency of jobs
56. Samuel Slater he was known as the father of american industry
57. Steamboats boats that were powered by a steam engine
58. Telegraph the first major system of communication helped revolutionize long distance communication
59. Steel Plow’ helped increase productivity because the steels plows could hold up
60. Mechanical Reaper a machine that auto harvest grain