
Authority Comparison

  • Discussed the two forms of authority:

    • Traditional Authority

    • Modern Liberal Direct Democracy

  • Noted that Liberalism is the dominant mode of economic organization in contemporary society.

Foundations of Modern Democracy

  • Foundations are traced back to historical developments in Europe.

  • Understanding power in modern representative democracy requires engagement with critical theory.

  • Mentioned Foucault's concept of biopower and biopolitics, exploring how modern power interacts with the body.

  • Agamben’s readings on citizenship and the Holocaust illustrate the darker constructs of power.

Evolution of Democratic Ideals

  • The concept of democracy comprises complex historical roots and varied definitions.

  • Etymology of Democracy:

    • "Demos" means people, "kratos" signifies rule (Rule by the People).

  • Greek society exemplifies early forms of democracy, characterized by direct citizen involvement in governance.

  • Critiques of Greek democracy: Only certain classes (men of reason) had participation rights, excluding women and slaves.

Tensions within Liberal Democracy

  • Modern representative democracy developed in response to challenges posed by larger territorial and population sizes.

  • Discussion of the revival of ancient Greek ideas from the 16th to 18th centuries under modern humanism.

  • The rise of individualism and rational choice theory is explored, noting the capitalist context surrounding modern democracy.

Forms of Representation

  • Shift from direct democracy in ancient Athens to modern representative democracy due to population growth and territory expansion.

  • The current system employs:

    • Proportional representation at national levels.

    • Constituency representation locally.

  • Implications of proportional representation:

    • Balancing interests of minorities against majoritarian rule, particularly in contexts like South Africa's democracy.

Majoritarianism and Democracy

  • Explains the conflict in democracy where majority rule can overshadow minority rights.

  • Methods to mitigate the effects of majoritarianism include:

    • Semi-federal systems and proportionality in representation.

  • The narrative critiques how majority trends can undermine minority interests in governance.

Critique of Liberal Representation

  • Recognition that democracy encompasses more than just voting processes:

    • Importance of citizen participation and electoral engagement for legitimacy.

  • Challenges facing modern representative democracy:

    • Lack of voter turnout, with previous elections showing less than 50% participation.

    • Consequences of a market-oriented structure leading to inequalities in the democratic process.


  • Modern representative democracy reflects complexities of participation, representation, and underlying economic structures.

  • Historical foundations provide insight into contemporary challenges and the evolution of democratic ideals.

  • Future discussions to explore efficacy and operation of democracy beyond conventional frameworks.
