AP Environmental Science: Unit 3 Review - Populations

AP Environmental Science: Unit 3 Review - Populations

Introduction to Sustainability

  • sustainabilityrefers to humans living on Earth and their use of resources without depletion of the resources for future generations
  • ecological footprint - the resource demand and waste production required for an individual or society
  • sustainable yield - the amount of renewable resources that can be used without reducing available supply

Survivorship Curves

  • Type I - (ex. gorillas)
  • Type II - (ex. birds)
  • Type III - (ex. mosquitoes)
  • biotic potential - maximum reproduction rat under ideal conditions
  • carrying capacity - maximum number of organisms and environment can support without resource depletion

Age Structure Diagrams

  • pre-industrial - slow growth, high death rate, high birth rate
  • transitional - rapid growth, advancement in medicine
  • industrial - decrease in growth rate, women's rights, family planning
  • post-industrial - negative or no growth
  • exponential curve - J shape
  • logistic curve - S shape

Demographic Transition

  • demographic transition - refers to the transition of a country where it moves from a preindustrial to an industrial stage
  • total fertility rate (TFR) - the number of births a woman has in her lifetime, many factors involved such as education, government policies, family planning, etc.

Human Population Dynamics

  • doubling time - number of time for population to double
  • rule of 70 - 70/ growth rate of population (%)
