Central component of CBT conceptualization of depression is negative thinking
Negative cognitive triad (Beck)
Learned helplessness/attributional style
Seligman, 1970s
An individuals tendency to perceive negative events as something you have no control over because you could not get out of past negative events.
Attributional Styles
Internal (Self Blame)
Stable (The situation is permanent)
Global (It will affect everything I do)
Deficit of positive reinforcement (Response contingent positive reinforcement; RCPR)
Lewisohn, mid 1970s
The theory that behavioral activation is built on
When depressed there is a loss of external events that promote RCPR because of withdrawal and lack of motivation
Social skills deficits
Intervention > Behavioral Activation
Biopsychosocial models of depression
Biological factors
Research suggests that genetics may influence mood disorders (across group of mood disorders, not just single diagnosis). Specifically that depression can be found in multiple generations of a family.
Association with endocrine, immune, and neurotransmitter functioning
Psychological factors
Negative thinking patterns
Deficits in coping skills
Poor judgement or problem solving skills
Deficits in emotional intelligence
Learning history
Social factors
Traumatic situations
Lack of social support
Environment (social and physical)
Chronic stress
Course of Therapy for Depression
Early goals
Rapport, identify concerns, introduce CBT, baseline measures, etc.
Middle goals
Behavioral activation, activity scheduling
cognitive restructuring
follow up measures (6-7 weeks out)
Later goals
identifying maladaptive beliefs and schemas as needed
developing relapse prevention strategies
Complete outcome measures
sessions 11+
Relapse prevention
Compare/contrast outcome measures
Re-visit goals
Teach client how to monitor symptoms
Identify possible or likely problematic future situations
Practice skills & promote mastery
Apply skills & coping strategies
Assess & continue to build self-efficacy
Their ability to know what to do then do it