Instructor: Prof. Dr. Achim Koberstein
Focuses on Business Informatics & Operations Research
Week 1:
Lecture 1: Computer and network technology
Lecture 2: Internet and Cloud-Computing
Week 2:
Lecture 3: Introduction to programming I
Lecture 4: Introduction to programming II
Week 3:
Lecture 5: Database systems I
Lecture 6: Database systems II
Week 4:
Lecture 7: Data modeling I
Lecture 8: Data modeling II
Week 5:
Lecture 9: Business Analytics I
Lecture 10: Business Analytics II
Week 6:
Lecture 11: Business process modelling
Lecture 12: Business process management
Week 7:
Lecture 13: Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systems
Lecture 14: Integrated information systems
Laudon & Laudon, Management Information Systems, Global Edition, 13/E, Pearson 2013, Chapters 5 and 7
R. Hansen, J. Mendling, G. Neumann: Wirtschaftsinformatik, 11. Auflage, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019. Chapter 11 (in German)
Computer Systems
Computer Networks
Network technology
The Internet
The first message was sent over the ARPANET, predecessor of the internet, on October 29, 1969.
It represents the world’s most extensive implementation of connected networks.
Provides critical infrastructure for e-commerce, e-business, and the digital enterprise.
Based on TCP/IP protocols, enabling various internet services.
Managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).
Internet access for private individuals is facilitated through Internet Access Providers (e.g., Deutsche Telekom, 1&1, Vodafone).
Domain Name System (DNS): Hierarchical system for resolving human-readable domain names to IP addresses.
It includes:
Root domain
Top-level domains
Second-level domains
Host computers (third level)
DNS Server: Converts aliases into IP addresses and vice versa, backed by a database of registered servers.
Types of DNS Servers:
Local DNS (within the organization)
Root DNS (top-level domain)
Authoritative DNS (where domains are registered)
IP Address Format: 32-bit number (IPv4), e.g.,
Calculated in binary and decimal formats.
Maximal Number of IP Addresses: 4,294,967,296 possible addresses, although some are reserved.
IPv6: A newer addressing protocol with a 128-bit space allowing approximately 3.4 x 10^38 addresses. Supports the Internet of Things (IoT).
Addresses are expressed in hexadecimal format, e.g., 243f:6a88:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344.
Instant messaging (e.g., ICQ)
World Wide Web (WWW)
Acts as a foundation for the commercial use of the internet.
A system based on standards for storing, loading, formatting, and displaying information (HTML, HTTP).
Archives a vast number of data servers, facilitating both consumer access and growing commercialization.
HTML: Standard markup language for web content creation.
HTTP: Protocol for the transfer of hypertext documents.
URL: Address structure for resources on the internet; follows the format: Schema://Server/Path?Request
Software as a Service (SaaS): Access provider's applications over the cloud without managing the underlying infrastructure.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Consumers can deploy apps using the provider's tools and infrastructure.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provisioning of fundamental computing resources, operates under consumer control.
On-demand self-service: Automatic provisioning of applications by users.
Broad network access: Services available over the network for diverse devices.
Resource pooling: Multi-tenant model distributing resources dynamically based on demand.
Rapid elasticity: Services can be scaled quickly.
Measured service: Usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported.
Includes public, private, and hybrid cloud configurations.
Amazon S3: Offers scalable storage with a pay-per-use model.
Amazon EC2: Elastic computing service allowing dynamic adjustment of resources based on demand.
What is the Internet?
What is an IP address and its structure?
What is a DNS server?
What are IPv4 and IPv6?
Define clients and application/web/database servers.
List internet services available today.
Explain WWW, HTTP, and HTML.
Define what a URL is.
What is a firewall?
What is an intranet and an extranet?
What types of storage networks exist?
Explain cloud computing and its defining characteristics.
Describe service models in cloud computing.
What are the different deployment models?
Provide examples of cloud computing services.