Lesson 10.1

Blue Highlighter = Definitely Important

1851 to the 1860s: American Indians were placed on reservations

1863: Navajo Long Walk

1864: Sand Creek Massacre

1875: Black Hills Gold Rush

1876: The Battle of Little Bighorn

1887: Dawes General Allotment Act

1890: Death of Sitting Bull

^^In the 1800s the government set aside native american territory in the great plains^^

^^By the 1850s the gold rush and railroads brought more settlers and natives were pushed onto reservations^^

^^What triggered the Sand Creek Massacre →Sioux being pushed off their land^^

^^Plain Indians Response→A few hundred people were killed. Plain Indians joined to repel white settlement^^

Canada (like the US) was slowly cutting down the amount of land/resources they were given

^^Ghost Dance→A dance done to inspire and bring hope to Native American people^^

^^The US was afraid that the Ghost Dance would start up a new conflict^^

^^Native American history was slowly being erased→unable to pass down stories^^

^^Sioux vs Nez Percés^^

^^Sioux: fought back^^

^^Nez Perce: retreated^^

^^Both: forced to relocate (multiple times)^^
