Eminent domain= government steps in and takes land
The big document that transfers title of land = deed
Real estate commission = realtors, agents, brokers
Wife has to sign = a power of attorney
Note republic is there to sign = needs to be in person
Trust when alive = inter vivos
Fee simple is up to the moon and down into earth (rights)
Chattel = things that you own personal property
43,560 is an acre
Joint tenancy with the right of survivorship = goes to surviving co-owners
Record everything building = recorder's office
Valuable consideration = price and value and money
Earnest Money = good faith money ( agreement with buyer and seller)
Another word for earnest money = liquidating
Ask to buy property with option contract = one of parties can walk away (buyer)
A real estate license isn’t needed for everyone
“As is” means no change with the sale
Community property is married people
Chain of title = everyone who has ever owned it
Do you have to sign a real estate contract = yes to be valid
Seisin: you are the owner or hold the right to the title
Air rights surface rights subsurface rights= bundle of rights
Believe in the industry and all work together: true
Accretion = Land is gradually added to a parcel by the action of water or when the increase of land happens when settlement is dropped over