5.1-5.3 European Expansion
Population Explosion
Previously population growth was slow and unsteady
Would have periods of growth then they would decline back down, generally caused by disease
Between 1700 and 1835 the European population doubled in size
The main cause of the increase was the decrease in mortality
The Bubonic Plague had stopped spreading
New sewer systems and water supplies were put in place
The Agricultural Revolution increased food supply and the food was of higher quality meaning there was less famine
The potato became very common
Canal and road building allowed for famines to be reduced by allowing them to bring emergency supplies quickly
Medical knowledge did not help the population to increase
The vaccine for Small Pox was being distributed
The Growth of Rural Industry
The Cotton Industry was used in rural areas
Cotton Industries were a stage of industrial development where workers would use hand tools in their homes for market
The rural industry was merchant loaned/put out materials to the workers then the workers would give the finished materials back to the merchant
Production was divided into stages
One group would spin wool into thread
One group would bleach it
One group would color it
One group would weave it into cloth
This made production grow to be more complex
Economic Liberalism
Adam Smith was a professor of philosophy and a leading figure of the Scottish Enlightenment
Wrote Inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations
In this he advocated for a Lassiez-Faire economy
Smith wanted to place limits on government
Government should provide protection against foreign invasion
Government should maintain civil order, using police protection
Sponsor public works and institutions that can not profit private investors
These restrictions turned into economic liberalism
Economic liberalism was the belief that free trade and competition will benefit everyone no matter their class in society
These views led to economic deregulation and attempts to end economic monopolies
The Atlantic Economy
The European Commerce let the worldwide economic network grow rapidly
The European Commerce encouraged economic development and military conflict in the Atlantic Basin
European countries wanted influence in the Atlantic during the 18th century
Britain's leadership was because of the previous mercantilism and navigation acts
The navigation acts were a form of economic warfare, mostly against the Dutch, eventually the Dutch fell behind England
France is England’s biggest rival, they fought about over which would have the most power
This competition led to multiple wars between the two
One of these wars was the Seven Year’s War
Another reason for the tension is because the French fought with America in the American Revolution
Commercial trade in the Atlantic is normally referred to as triangle trade, as there was a three way transport of goods
Europe sent guns and textiles to Africa
Enslaved Africans were sent to America and the Caribbean (The New World)
Raw materials like cotton, sugar, and tobacco were sent from the New World to Europe
This trade led to new manufacturing jobs being developed in Europe
There was also a lot of intercolonial trade
North and South trade between America and the Caribbean
5.4-5.6 The French Revolution
Contextualizing the French Revolution
French Population in 1789 was around 25 million
First Estate
The Clergy around 0.5% of the population
Own around 10% of the land
Collect an annual tithe from parishioners and heavy influence on society
Didn’t have to pay taxes
Provide a “donation” to the crown every 5 years
Second Estate
The Nobility around around 1.5% of the population
Nobility of the Sword and Nobility of the Robe
Newer, often Wealthier
Own around 20% to 25% of the land
Didn’t have to pay taxes
Dominate positions of government
Would block attempts at tax reforms
Third Estate
Everyone else, around 98% of the population
24.5 million people
Bourgeoisie around 4% of the population
Own around 20% of the land
Hold some positions in government
Working Class/Wage Earners, around 8% of the population
Prices since 1730 have risen 65%
Wages overtime have been raised by 22%
Peasants and Farmers, around 86% of the population
Own around 40% of the land
Resentful of “seignirial privileges”
Revolution in France 1789-1791
Economic situation in France had gotten to a critical point
In debt from wars
Mostly from helping in the American Revolution
Poor grain harvests, brought high bread prices
The increased prices led to riots in the street
Artisans and traders lost their jobs
Louis XVI’s finance minister wanted to impose taxes on all property
The assembly was mostly of the first and second estate so they approved of this idea
The Third Estate wanted more representation in the assembly, and wanted them to vote by head rather than estate
The Third Estate eventually made their own assembly and titled it the National Assembly
The National Assembly got locked out of their normal meeting place, they gathered at a tennis court, pledging they will keep meeting until they have a constitution written, this was known as the Tennis Court Oath
The king began to assemble troops in case they had to take control of the situation
On July 14th 1789 a lot of the Third Estate stormed the Bastille and gathered weapons
The King was forced to recognize the Third Estate
Peasants began to revolt against their landlords
Burnt their feudal documents and burning their houses down
This abolished feudal privileges of the nobility
This was the start of the Great Fear
The Third Estate created the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen this called for enlightened ideas
Equality before the law
Individual freedoms
Judicial rights
Representative government
Around 7,000 women marched to Versailles and broke into the Queen’s Chamber
This killed multiple guards and forced the royal family back to Paris
The National Assembly followed the king to Paris, forcing him to declare a constitution
Constitutional monarchy created
National Assembly can create laws
The King and Queen tried to leave France, they were caught and arrested
Catholic Church was under state control and the Civil Constitution of the Clergy was created, making the priest swear on an oath of the revolution
The National Assembly passed the Constitution of 1791
Provided rights for women
Can divorce their husbands
Can own property
War and Republican France 1791-1799
Committee of Public Safety was created
A 12 person executive body led by Maximilian Robespierre
Robespierre worked with Sans-Culottes and enforced compliance
This put over 40,000 women and men on trail for political crimes
These people were executed or died in prison
Terror was a weapon
Used against people that disagreed with the Revolution
Robespierre eventually was guillotined
Many of his followers were members of the Third Estate
The National Assembly created a new constitution
Gave power to the directory
France created their own calendar and time system, which did not work out
Eventually Napoleon stepped in and turned the weak monarchy into a strong one
The Napoleonic Era
Napoleon Bonaparte appealed to many people
Wanted a strong military
Named First Consul after helping and supporting the French Revolution
Maintained order
Made compromises
Civil code of 1804 gave the middle class equality and allowed them to own property
Confirmed the gains of the peasants
Centralized the government
Signed the Concordat of 1801
Brought order and stability
Betrayed the ideas of the Revolution
No free speech or press
No free elections
Women had no political rights, losing the gains that were previously made
Napoleon’s wars and foreign policy defeated Austria
Made peace with Britain
War with the Third Coalition
Allowed for British naval dominance
Used fear of Conspiracy of a bourbon returning to power
This was in order to make himself emperor
Made the German states into the Confederation of the Rhine
Defeated Prussia, and put half of the population under his rule
Napoleon’s empire gave France control of the majority of Europe, he enforced the French rules and enforced many taxes
The start of Napoleon’s end was the Spanish Revolt
The invasion of Russia was the true end
Defeated by the fourth coalition, restoring the Bourbon dynasty
Escaped from Elba but was defeated in Waterloo
His final exile was on the island of Saint Helena (West Africa)
5.7-5.9 The Congress of Vienna and Romanticism
The Congress of Vienna
Took place between Sep. 1st 1814 and Jun. 9th 1815
Nationalism tore Austria apart
France, Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria attend
Russia was in the dual revolution
French politics
Industrial production
In Russia people were demanding the right to vote
Dual revolution helped bring romanticism
Many different groups wanted to join this movement
Main Decisions
Balance of power
Secure boarders on France
Main Objectives
Its job was supposed to undo everything Napoleon had done
Run by Conservatives (Royalists)
Reduce France to old boarders
Restore old monarchs (Legitimacy)
Supported the Revolution
Always an alternative conflict (Diplomacy)
Key Players
Tsar Alexander I (Russia)
Foreign minister, Viscount Castlereagh (Britain)
King Fredrick William III (Prussia)
Foreign minister Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (France)
The host, Prince Klemens von Metternich (Austria)
Key Principles Established
Balance of power
Legitimacy of old monarchs restored
Secure French boarders
Coalition forces occupied France for 3-5 years
France had to pay 700,000,000 fracs
Changes made at Vienna
France deprived of all territory conquered by Napoleon
Russia given most of Duchy of Warsaw (Poland)
Prussia given half of Saxony, parts of Poland, and other Germanic territories
German Confederation of 39 states including Prussia was created from the provinces 300 were under Austrian control
Austria was given back territory they had lost, and parts of Germany and Italy
The House of Orange was given to the Dutch Republic and the Austrian Netherlands to rule
Norway and Sweden established
Neutrality of Switzerland was declared
Britain was given Cape Colony, South Africa, and various other colonies
Sardinia was given Piedmont
The Bourbon Ferdenand I was restored
The Duchy of Parma was given to Marie Louise
The slave trade was commended
Freedom of navigation was guaranteed for many rivers
Buffer states created
Monarchy restored
Had to pay war indemnity
Lost all land from Napoleon
Boarders restored to 1790
Gained German land
Gained Rhine land
Gained parts of Poland
Parts of German Confederation
Quadruple alliance
Balance of power
Holy alliance
Alexander I
Reactionary, strict censorship
Growth into Polish lands
Holy alliance
Quadruple alliance
Abolished serfdom
Lost and gained land
Recognition of power
Buffer states
Protection from France
Great Britain
Balance of powers
Quadruple alliance
Mandated control of seas
Advocated for Prussia control against France
Romanticism and Impressionism
Reason instead of feelings
Calculation instead of intuition
Evolution supporting
Wild and untamed
Reaction to industrialization
Reaction to the harsh realities of industrialization
Removed romance, showing truth
Focused on the ideas of progress in science during the Industrial Revolution
Growth of influence of positivism, created by French philosopher August Comte
Authentic knowledge, what is true
Scientific ideology
Common between the 1830s to the late 1800s, mostly between 1840 to 1870
Technology changes
Train Stations becoming more common
From the Second Industrial Revolution
Reaction to industrialization
Biggest changes during this period
Not exactly what happened, focused on one moment/impression
Reaction to the radical advances in all fields of science
Art of industrial, urban Paris
Focused on a single moment, not the present (realism)
Impressionist was first used in a derogatory term for a Monet exhibit
Reaction to massive fundamental changes in society
Acknowledges the impermanence of images and living conditions
The Redesign of Paris
Redesigning of Paris began in 1852 under the new Emperor Napoleon III
Wanted the city to show his strength and power
Have troops in case of another revolution
New water and sewer systems
Live expectancy up, Cholera down
More focus on artist’s interpretation (more experimentation)
Reaction to impressionism, another artistic group
More people joined this group
Takes place between 1870 to 1900
Era of mass politics