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cold war notes

module 23 lesson 1

cold war: superpowers face off

demographic and social consequences

  • wwii - more civilian deaths than military

    • battles, bombing, genocide

  • long lasting effects of war

economic and environmental consequences

  • massive destruction: infrastructure, farmland, etc

  • process of rebuilding

    • west europe quicker than soviet countries

allies become enemies

  • united states

    • angry at stalin’s non aggression pact with hitler

  • soviet union

    • felt us waited too long to invade germany

yalta conference - post war plan

  • divide germany into zones and force reparations

  • stalin - promises free elections

    • churchill skeptical

the un and geneva convention

  • 1945: united nations (un) formed

    • 50 countries - protect against aggression

  • 1949: geneva conventions

    • post war treaties

    • pow, wounded, etc

“superpowers” divided

  • us - capitalism

  • soviets - communism

  • impact of war on each country

    • us little deaths/damage compared to soviet union

soviets build a buffer

  • stalin wants “wall of protection”

    • forcing communism

    • promise of free elections?

  • truman (us) vs stalin (ussr)

the iron curtain

  • europe split (east and west)

  • allies support west germany (france, britain and us) (soviet has east germany)

    • costly → withdraw support

us “containment”

  • stop soviet influence and spread of communism

truman doctrine

  • support for countries that resist communism

    • massive backlash

    • avoid european affairs and cost

  • congress gives $400 million

    • protect democratic nations

the marshall plan

  • western europe in ruins

  • george marshall (us secretary of state)

    • provide aid to needy countries

    • massive success vs communism

the berlin airlift

  • us and soviets argue about germany

    • reunite (allies) vs divided (soviet)

  • soviets blockade berlin

    • allies continue with support

    • soviets defeated

superpowers form alliances

  • nato

    • us + other countries

  • warsaw pact

    • soviets + others

  • berlin wall = symbol of divided world

    • west - free/democratic

    • east - communist

threat of nuclear war (not on quiz/test)

  • cold war → destroy world?

    • both had atomic bombs

  • h-bomb (hydrogen)

    • 600x more powerful

    • soviets have own by 1953

threat of nuclear war

  • john foster dulles (us secretary of state)

  • brinkmanship

    • us increases air force

    • stockpiles nuclear weapons

module 23 lesson 5

the cold war thaws

destalinization and protests

  • nikita khrushchev - soviet leader

    • policy of destalinization

  • satellite nations not satisfied

revolt in czechoslovakia

  • 1964: khrushchev removed from power

  • leonid brezhnev - replaced khrushchev

    • strict policies, limits freedom, secret police

  • brezhnev doctrine

    • justified in forcing communism

soviet-chinese split

  • china committed to communism (zedong/stalin treaty)

    • split from soviet “shadow”

  • soviets hide nuclear secrets

from brinkmanship to detente

brinkmanship breaks down

  • nuclear war is a real possibility

  • jfk administration able to prevent war

  • lyndon b johnson - president (1963)

    • involves us in vietnam war

the us turns to detente

  • widespread anti-war protests in us

  • 1968: richard nixon elected president

  • detente - lower cold war tensions

    • still committed to stopping communism

nixon’s treaties

  • nixon - first us president to visit communist china

  • salt 1 treaty with russia

reagan’s anti-communist stance

  • president reagan - moves away from detente

  • strategic defense initiative (sdi)

    • protect against enemy missiles

end of the soviet union

  • perestroika - reduced communist power

    • private business

    • elections

  • end of the cold war

module 25 lesson 3

gorbachev takes power

  • 1982: brezhnev dies - old leaders take over and die

  • mikhail gorbachev

    • soviet leader 1985-1991

    • general secretary of communists

glasnost promotes openness

  • historically totalitarian → glasnost policy

    • open to new idea/info

  • massive changes

    • churches, censors, prisoners, etc

economic restructuring

  • inefficient central planning

  • government mandated production → no motivation

  • perestroika

    • economic restructuring

    • allow private business


  • communists need to loosen grip

  • 1987: democratization

    • open political system

    • free elections

foreign policy

  • reagan’s military buildup

  • INF treaty with soviet union

    • ban intermediate range missiles

lithuania defies gorbachev

  • 1990 - lithuania declares independence

    • gorbachev enacts blockade

    • soviet troops attack

hard liners oppose gorbachev

  • hard-liners: conservatives who opposed reforms

  • furious with gorbachev

    • soviet union losing power

the august coup

  • hardliners demand gorbachev resign

    • send tanks into moscow to take over

  • massive anti-communist protests

    • gorbachev returns to power

yetlsin’s problems

  • “shock therapy” - free market economy

  • everyone used to government control

    • inflation, closures, job loss, etc

chechnya rebels

  • yetlsin starts war over independence

    • city destroyed

  • 1999 - yetlsin resigns

module 23 lesson 3

north korean invasion (june 25, 1950)

  • north korea launches surprise attack

  • un responds to call for help

    • under command of douglas macarthur

    • counter attack

fighting continues

  • north korea pushed back across 38th parallel

  • china feels threatened

    • send 300,000 troops to aid north korea

macarthus on his own mission

  • macarthur - requests to use nuclear weapons

  • truman says no so he goes behind his back

    • removed from command by truman

aftermath of the war

  • dmz - demilitarized zone set up (still exists)

  • north korea - dictatorship

  • south korea - democracy

the road to war

  • ho chi minh (1890-1969)

    • led revolts vs french

    • founded viet minh league

fighting begins

  • viet minh use guerilla warfare vs french

  • french surrender at dien bien phu

opposition to diem

  • vietcong - communists guerilla fighters

  • assassinate diem → communist takeover coming?

us involvement

  • us military - struggles vs vietcong

  • vietcong support

    • ho chi minh

    • soviet union

    • china

  • resort to “carpet bombing”

    • napalm and agent orange

us withdraws

  • 1969 - nixon begins withdrawal of troops

  • vietnamization: south vietnam replace us troops

  • 1975 - north vietnam overruns country

cold war notes

module 23 lesson 1

cold war: superpowers face off

demographic and social consequences

  • wwii - more civilian deaths than military

    • battles, bombing, genocide

  • long lasting effects of war

economic and environmental consequences

  • massive destruction: infrastructure, farmland, etc

  • process of rebuilding

    • west europe quicker than soviet countries

allies become enemies

  • united states

    • angry at stalin’s non aggression pact with hitler

  • soviet union

    • felt us waited too long to invade germany

yalta conference - post war plan

  • divide germany into zones and force reparations

  • stalin - promises free elections

    • churchill skeptical

the un and geneva convention

  • 1945: united nations (un) formed

    • 50 countries - protect against aggression

  • 1949: geneva conventions

    • post war treaties

    • pow, wounded, etc

“superpowers” divided

  • us - capitalism

  • soviets - communism

  • impact of war on each country

    • us little deaths/damage compared to soviet union

soviets build a buffer

  • stalin wants “wall of protection”

    • forcing communism

    • promise of free elections?

  • truman (us) vs stalin (ussr)

the iron curtain

  • europe split (east and west)

  • allies support west germany (france, britain and us) (soviet has east germany)

    • costly → withdraw support

us “containment”

  • stop soviet influence and spread of communism

truman doctrine

  • support for countries that resist communism

    • massive backlash

    • avoid european affairs and cost

  • congress gives $400 million

    • protect democratic nations

the marshall plan

  • western europe in ruins

  • george marshall (us secretary of state)

    • provide aid to needy countries

    • massive success vs communism

the berlin airlift

  • us and soviets argue about germany

    • reunite (allies) vs divided (soviet)

  • soviets blockade berlin

    • allies continue with support

    • soviets defeated

superpowers form alliances

  • nato

    • us + other countries

  • warsaw pact

    • soviets + others

  • berlin wall = symbol of divided world

    • west - free/democratic

    • east - communist

threat of nuclear war (not on quiz/test)

  • cold war → destroy world?

    • both had atomic bombs

  • h-bomb (hydrogen)

    • 600x more powerful

    • soviets have own by 1953

threat of nuclear war

  • john foster dulles (us secretary of state)

  • brinkmanship

    • us increases air force

    • stockpiles nuclear weapons

module 23 lesson 5

the cold war thaws

destalinization and protests

  • nikita khrushchev - soviet leader

    • policy of destalinization

  • satellite nations not satisfied

revolt in czechoslovakia

  • 1964: khrushchev removed from power

  • leonid brezhnev - replaced khrushchev

    • strict policies, limits freedom, secret police

  • brezhnev doctrine

    • justified in forcing communism

soviet-chinese split

  • china committed to communism (zedong/stalin treaty)

    • split from soviet “shadow”

  • soviets hide nuclear secrets

from brinkmanship to detente

brinkmanship breaks down

  • nuclear war is a real possibility

  • jfk administration able to prevent war

  • lyndon b johnson - president (1963)

    • involves us in vietnam war

the us turns to detente

  • widespread anti-war protests in us

  • 1968: richard nixon elected president

  • detente - lower cold war tensions

    • still committed to stopping communism

nixon’s treaties

  • nixon - first us president to visit communist china

  • salt 1 treaty with russia

reagan’s anti-communist stance

  • president reagan - moves away from detente

  • strategic defense initiative (sdi)

    • protect against enemy missiles

end of the soviet union

  • perestroika - reduced communist power

    • private business

    • elections

  • end of the cold war

module 25 lesson 3

gorbachev takes power

  • 1982: brezhnev dies - old leaders take over and die

  • mikhail gorbachev

    • soviet leader 1985-1991

    • general secretary of communists

glasnost promotes openness

  • historically totalitarian → glasnost policy

    • open to new idea/info

  • massive changes

    • churches, censors, prisoners, etc

economic restructuring

  • inefficient central planning

  • government mandated production → no motivation

  • perestroika

    • economic restructuring

    • allow private business


  • communists need to loosen grip

  • 1987: democratization

    • open political system

    • free elections

foreign policy

  • reagan’s military buildup

  • INF treaty with soviet union

    • ban intermediate range missiles

lithuania defies gorbachev

  • 1990 - lithuania declares independence

    • gorbachev enacts blockade

    • soviet troops attack

hard liners oppose gorbachev

  • hard-liners: conservatives who opposed reforms

  • furious with gorbachev

    • soviet union losing power

the august coup

  • hardliners demand gorbachev resign

    • send tanks into moscow to take over

  • massive anti-communist protests

    • gorbachev returns to power

yetlsin’s problems

  • “shock therapy” - free market economy

  • everyone used to government control

    • inflation, closures, job loss, etc

chechnya rebels

  • yetlsin starts war over independence

    • city destroyed

  • 1999 - yetlsin resigns

module 23 lesson 3

north korean invasion (june 25, 1950)

  • north korea launches surprise attack

  • un responds to call for help

    • under command of douglas macarthur

    • counter attack

fighting continues

  • north korea pushed back across 38th parallel

  • china feels threatened

    • send 300,000 troops to aid north korea

macarthus on his own mission

  • macarthur - requests to use nuclear weapons

  • truman says no so he goes behind his back

    • removed from command by truman

aftermath of the war

  • dmz - demilitarized zone set up (still exists)

  • north korea - dictatorship

  • south korea - democracy

the road to war

  • ho chi minh (1890-1969)

    • led revolts vs french

    • founded viet minh league

fighting begins

  • viet minh use guerilla warfare vs french

  • french surrender at dien bien phu

opposition to diem

  • vietcong - communists guerilla fighters

  • assassinate diem → communist takeover coming?

us involvement

  • us military - struggles vs vietcong

  • vietcong support

    • ho chi minh

    • soviet union

    • china

  • resort to “carpet bombing”

    • napalm and agent orange

us withdraws

  • 1969 - nixon begins withdrawal of troops

  • vietnamization: south vietnam replace us troops

  • 1975 - north vietnam overruns country