Pentateuch: Greek word for Torah
Biblia: the Bible in Latin
Saint: a person recognized as holy virtuous and being in heaven after death
Torah: Jewish and five books
Patriarch: a system ruled by man
Theology: The study of Religion and God
Virtue: a trait that makes you do the right thing
Beatitude: blessing or “promise of happiness”
God: creator and ruler of the universe
Catholic Education: System of learning academics and teachings based on the church and teachings of Jesus
Advent: the season where you prepare for Jesus's birth
Lent: 40 days leading up to Jesus being Resurrected
The Camino De Santiago: 1,000-year-old Pilgrimage to where St James is said to be enshrined
Killing The Spirit: ruining everybody's fun and being a jerk
Contextual Reader: this is someone who reads remembering the context of writing
Inclusive: including all and giving everyone a chance
The Incarnation: Incarnation of God the son and awaited messiah in the flesh
Transubstantiation: the conversion of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus
Legitimate Authority: a power that is recognized by the community and serves the common good
Confirmation: the third sacrament of Christianity and seals the deal
Magisterium: Pope and Bishops when their teachers of the faith it's a group
Common Good: everybody is allowed to reach their full potential
Prayer: a song request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity
Examen: a prayerful reflection on the day in order to see God's presence and discern his direction for us
Preferential Option For The Poor: caring for those less fortunate than us
Steward: a person responsible for something
Catholic: a religion rooted in Jesus's teachings and belief of God
Hermeneutics: A way of interpreting texts and events to help us understand what they mean to us now
Exegesis: the analysis of text and their original context culture time period