
  1. Analogous: (adj) Similar in certain qualities, circumstances, or uses

  2. Antithesis: (noun) Direct contrast; opposition

  3. Comparable: (adj) (A) having like traits; similar; equivalent (B) worthy or capable of comparison

  4. Deviate: (verb) To differ or move away from a specified course or prescribed mode of behavior; diverge

  5. Differentiate: (verb) To understand, perceive or show the difference in or between

  6. Disparity: (noun) The condition of being unequal in age, rank, or degree; difference

  7. Heterogeneous: (adj) Consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; miscellaneous; varied

  8. Homogeneous: (adj) (A) consisting of elements of a similar or related nature (B) uniform in structure or composition

  9. Nuance: (noun) A subtle or slight degree of difference, meaning, color, or tone; gradation

  10. Tantamount: (adj) Equivalent in significance, effect, or value
