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apush period 2: 1607-1754


  • Spanish established colonies to get money - cash crops, and digging gold

  • wanted to convert christianity

  • created a caste system


  • interested in fish and fur trade

  • few people who showed up

  • first in quebec

  • mostly established trading settlements

  • some married American indian wives to keep kinship ties alive

    • ojibwe indians

    • indians benefited from iron cookware and cloth

    • French benefited from producing beaver skins for sale


  • fur trade

  • economic goals for colonizing

  • didnt care about conversion

  • new Amsterdam - hub of trade


  • inflation took hold of their economy - especially the noble class

  • enclosure movement

  • looked for new economic opportunities and seek religious freedom and improve living conditions


    • jamestown

    • financed by a joint stock company

    • searched for gold and silver

    • disease and famine killed nearly half the settlers

    • some resorted to cannibalism

    • john ralphian experimented with tobacco - became a cash crop

      • major labor system was indentured servants

    • indians retalliated and raided colonial farms

    • Berkeley refused to use military to protect them

      • bacons rebellion

    • planter elite got a healthy dose of fear

    • wanted to stop leaning on broken indentured servitude and more on African slavery


    • pilgrims came in family units

    • wanted a SOCIETY

    • fevers and disease killed them

    • established a thriving colonial economu with agriculture and commerce


    • year round growing season

    • tobacco

    • sugarcane - new

      • very labor intensive… increase in demand for African American slaves

    • in barbados, the population was more black than white

    • stringent laws passed that defined slaves as property and governed their lives

    • Carolina colony was “inspired” by this


    • diverse population in ny and nj

      • export economy

      • wealthy merchants

    • quakers in PA

  • mayflower compact

    • pilgrims signed this - organized government

  • house of burgeses

    • self government of virginia

  • new atlantic economy was established

  • triangular trade

    • merchant ships follower 3 part journey

    • New England to Africa for enslaved people then middle passage went to West Indies, traded slaves for sugar cane, went back to New England, made rum, and restarted all over again

  • mercantilism

    • “fixed amount of wealthy in the world”

  • many slaves were sold to British planters

  • chattel = property


    • wompanoag aligned themselves with other indains and attacked white settlements - burnt fields, etc

    • british aligned with mohawk indians and eventually killed metacom

    • not good relations


    • the enlightenment - movement in Europe about relying on thinking more than heart

  • social contract

  • enlightenments attack on religious authority

    • new light clergy - preached against abandonment and democratic principles of the bible

    • leveling out of society

    • groundwork for significant upheavals, the great awakenening

      • swept through all colonies and intense christian enthusiasm

      • first vestige of true american identity

  • IMPRESSMENT - act of seizing colonial men and forcing them to serve in the colonial navy


apush period 2: 1607-1754


  • Spanish established colonies to get money - cash crops, and digging gold

  • wanted to convert christianity

  • created a caste system


  • interested in fish and fur trade

  • few people who showed up

  • first in quebec

  • mostly established trading settlements

  • some married American indian wives to keep kinship ties alive

    • ojibwe indians

    • indians benefited from iron cookware and cloth

    • French benefited from producing beaver skins for sale


  • fur trade

  • economic goals for colonizing

  • didnt care about conversion

  • new Amsterdam - hub of trade


  • inflation took hold of their economy - especially the noble class

  • enclosure movement

  • looked for new economic opportunities and seek religious freedom and improve living conditions


    • jamestown

    • financed by a joint stock company

    • searched for gold and silver

    • disease and famine killed nearly half the settlers

    • some resorted to cannibalism

    • john ralphian experimented with tobacco - became a cash crop

      • major labor system was indentured servants

    • indians retalliated and raided colonial farms

    • Berkeley refused to use military to protect them

      • bacons rebellion

    • planter elite got a healthy dose of fear

    • wanted to stop leaning on broken indentured servitude and more on African slavery


    • pilgrims came in family units

    • wanted a SOCIETY

    • fevers and disease killed them

    • established a thriving colonial economu with agriculture and commerce


    • year round growing season

    • tobacco

    • sugarcane - new

      • very labor intensive… increase in demand for African American slaves

    • in barbados, the population was more black than white

    • stringent laws passed that defined slaves as property and governed their lives

    • Carolina colony was “inspired” by this


    • diverse population in ny and nj

      • export economy

      • wealthy merchants

    • quakers in PA

  • mayflower compact

    • pilgrims signed this - organized government

  • house of burgeses

    • self government of virginia

  • new atlantic economy was established

  • triangular trade

    • merchant ships follower 3 part journey

    • New England to Africa for enslaved people then middle passage went to West Indies, traded slaves for sugar cane, went back to New England, made rum, and restarted all over again

  • mercantilism

    • “fixed amount of wealthy in the world”

  • many slaves were sold to British planters

  • chattel = property


    • wompanoag aligned themselves with other indains and attacked white settlements - burnt fields, etc

    • british aligned with mohawk indians and eventually killed metacom

    • not good relations


    • the enlightenment - movement in Europe about relying on thinking more than heart

  • social contract

  • enlightenments attack on religious authority

    • new light clergy - preached against abandonment and democratic principles of the bible

    • leveling out of society

    • groundwork for significant upheavals, the great awakenening

      • swept through all colonies and intense christian enthusiasm

      • first vestige of true american identity

  • IMPRESSMENT - act of seizing colonial men and forcing them to serve in the colonial navy