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English Literature GCSE Layout

How it works.

Paper 1 - 1hr 45 - 40%

  • Shakespeare - Macbeth

  • A Christmas Carol

Paper 2 - 2hr 15 - 60%

  • An Inspector Calls

  • Poetry - Power & Conflict

  • Unseen Poetry Anaylsis

How to get ahead.

  • Read - Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, A Christmas Carol

  • Practice essays following popular exam structures.

  • Practice comparison questions

  • Focus on SPaG

Lesson 1&2 - An Inspector Calls Introduction

During our first lesson we spoke about what the GCSE would be like and learnt what important events were happening when the book was set such as the Class Divide . We then learnt the characters, these are:

Mr Birling

Mrs Birling

Sheila Birling - daughter

Eric Birling - son

Gerald Croft - Sheila’s Fiancee

Inspector Goole - The Inspector

Edna - The Birling’s Maid

Eva Smith - The Dead ex-worker of Mr Birlings that Inspector Goole is investigating

We read the first 17 pages and learnt that Sheila recognised a photo of Eva, Mr Birling was unhappy abou the entire situation and that the birling family were wealthy and at times snobby.

Lesson 3 + 4 - An inspector Calls Act One and Two

In these lessons we mainly read from the Inspector calls book. I read the part of Mrs Birling and during the part we read that Inspector Goole has quizzed Sheila and the group now know she got Eva Smith sacked from her job at Milwards that she got after Mr Birling fired her from his factory. Sheila experienced a massive shift in character from being materialistic and impertinent to emotive and wary. We then learnt that Gerald Croft had an affair with Eva Smith ( Daisy Renton) and although felt sorry for Sheila he seemed moderately affected and left the room for a walk. Mrs Birling then confessed that she met Eva and knew she was pregnant but refused her service from the women’s charity. Mrs Birling took no responsibility for Eva’s suicide and blamed it on her and the father of her child. Towards the end of act two we learn that the father is Eric Birling.

As revision I have been completing questions based around Act 1 so far. There is roughly 25-30 questions per Act. I am answering these in detail using a full notebook page each. I have completed 5 questions so far.

Lessons 5 & 6 - Completed the book.

During lesson 5 we continued to read towards the end of act three. We created a timeliness of who had interacted with Eva and how up to where we had read. I have not made any progress with the questions so far however will borrow a copy for over the weekend. During lesson 6 we are going to finish act 3 and possibly watch more of the BBC series.


English Literature GCSE Layout

How it works.

Paper 1 - 1hr 45 - 40%

  • Shakespeare - Macbeth

  • A Christmas Carol

Paper 2 - 2hr 15 - 60%

  • An Inspector Calls

  • Poetry - Power & Conflict

  • Unseen Poetry Anaylsis

How to get ahead.

  • Read - Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, A Christmas Carol

  • Practice essays following popular exam structures.

  • Practice comparison questions

  • Focus on SPaG

Lesson 1&2 - An Inspector Calls Introduction

During our first lesson we spoke about what the GCSE would be like and learnt what important events were happening when the book was set such as the Class Divide . We then learnt the characters, these are:

Mr Birling

Mrs Birling

Sheila Birling - daughter

Eric Birling - son

Gerald Croft - Sheila’s Fiancee

Inspector Goole - The Inspector

Edna - The Birling’s Maid

Eva Smith - The Dead ex-worker of Mr Birlings that Inspector Goole is investigating

We read the first 17 pages and learnt that Sheila recognised a photo of Eva, Mr Birling was unhappy abou the entire situation and that the birling family were wealthy and at times snobby.

Lesson 3 + 4 - An inspector Calls Act One and Two

In these lessons we mainly read from the Inspector calls book. I read the part of Mrs Birling and during the part we read that Inspector Goole has quizzed Sheila and the group now know she got Eva Smith sacked from her job at Milwards that she got after Mr Birling fired her from his factory. Sheila experienced a massive shift in character from being materialistic and impertinent to emotive and wary. We then learnt that Gerald Croft had an affair with Eva Smith ( Daisy Renton) and although felt sorry for Sheila he seemed moderately affected and left the room for a walk. Mrs Birling then confessed that she met Eva and knew she was pregnant but refused her service from the women’s charity. Mrs Birling took no responsibility for Eva’s suicide and blamed it on her and the father of her child. Towards the end of act two we learn that the father is Eric Birling.

As revision I have been completing questions based around Act 1 so far. There is roughly 25-30 questions per Act. I am answering these in detail using a full notebook page each. I have completed 5 questions so far.

Lessons 5 & 6 - Completed the book.

During lesson 5 we continued to read towards the end of act three. We created a timeliness of who had interacted with Eva and how up to where we had read. I have not made any progress with the questions so far however will borrow a copy for over the weekend. During lesson 6 we are going to finish act 3 and possibly watch more of the BBC series.