Prefixes and Root Words in Medical Terminology:
Auto-: Self
circum-: Around
contra-: Against, opposite
de-: Down, away from
ecto-, exo-: Outside, external
endo-, intra-: Inside, within
hemi-: Half
iso-: Equal
mal-: Bad, poor
pan-: All
retro-: Behind, backward
super-, supra-: Above, excessive
ultra-: Beyond, excessive
a-, an-: Without, not
ab-: Away from
ad-: Toward
ante-: Before, forward
anti-: Against
bi-: Two, double
brady-: Slow
Prefixes in Medical Terminology:
Auto-: Self
circum-: Around
contra-: Against, opposite
de-: Down, away from
ecto-, exo-: Outside, external
endo-, intra-: Inside, within
hemi-: Half
iso-: Equal
mal-: Bad, poor
pan-: All
retro-: Behind, backward
super-, supra-: Above, excessive
ultra-: Beyond, excessive
a-, an-: Without, not
ab-: Away from
ad-: Toward
ante-: Before, forward
anti-: Against
bi-: Two, double
brady-: Slow
Root Words in Medical Terminology:
aden/o: Gland
angi/o: Vessel
arthr/o: Joint
carcin/o: Cancer
encephal/o: Brain
hepat/o: Liver
laryng/o: Larynx (voice box)
my/o: Muscle
onc/o: Tumor
ophthalm/o: Eye
ot/o: Ear
phleb/o: Vein
psych/o: Mind
spir/o: Breathing
splen/o: Spleen
cardi/o: Heart
cephal/o: Head
cyt/o: Cell
dermat/o: Skin
gastr/o: Stomach
hem/o, hemat/o: Blood
neur/o: Nerve
oste/o: Bone
path/o: Disease
pulmon/o: Lung
ren/o, nephr/o: Kidney
thorac/o: Chest
ur/o: Urine, urinary tract
ven/o: Vein
trache/o: Trachea (windpipe)
Suffixes in Medical Terminology:
-algia: Pain
-ctomy: Surgical removal
-itis: Inflammation
-ology: Study of
-oma: Tumor, mass
-pathy: Disease
-plasty: Surgical repair
-scopy: Visual examination
-sis: Condition, process
-stasis: Stopping, standing
-trophy: Development, nourishment
-emia: Blood condition
-cytosis: Increase in cells
-rrhea: Flow, discharge
-graphy: Process of recording
-genesis: Formation, origin
-genic: Produced by, causing
-rrhage: Bursting forth, excessive flow
-a: Plural ending for various terms
-ectomy: Surgical removal
-penia: Deficiency or lack of.