History Notes

George Washingtons Presidency

The Whiskey Rebellion

After they created a new gov. they realized they had no money. By 1781 congress placed an excise tax on whiskey and other goods. Farmers complained about the tax being too expensive so they refused to pay it to end the protests, Congress lowered the excise tax in 1793. In 1794 some men tarred and feathered tax collectors who tried to enforce the law. Alexander Hamilton and George Washington saw the Whiskey Rebellion as a threat to the national gov. After the Whiskey Boys set fire to a tax collector's home, George Washington led 13,00 troops across the mountain to stop the rebellion.

The French Revolution

In 1789 French people rebelled against their king, the revolution leaders wanted a nation based on “liberty and equality”. 3 years later France became a Republic declaring war on everyone against kings. Democratic-Republicans saw the French Revolution as a great moment for democracy and Federalists were worried for their safety. In 1793, supporters of the revolution changed their opinion because the Revolution came with lots of violence and instability, known as the Reign of Terror period. Revolutionary leaders killed more than 17,000 people.

Washington’s Farewell Address

George Washington agreed to run for a second term as president in 1792. Near the end of his second term, he announced he would not run again and made a message known as Washington’s Farewell Address. In the message, he reminded Americans of what bound them together as a people and warned the 2 threats to the nation. One was the problems with other countries and the threat of the “spirit of party” meaning if fighting between parties was not controlled it could tear the nation: political division, foreign entanglements.

George Washingtons Influence

  • Born February 22, 1732, in Virginia.

  • Fought in the French and Indian War and led an attack that started the war.

  • was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1758

  • was commander of the Continental Army and fought in the Revolutionary War

  • Led the constitutional convention

  • Elected as the first president of the U.S. and served 2 terms with John Adams as Vice President

  • Died 1799

What Washington brought to the table

  • Washington created three departments within the executive branch: the Department of State (which Handled foreign affairs), the Department of War (which was in charge of founding the new navy and coastal defense), and the Department of Treasury (which oversaw the nation's finances).

How he influenced the country

  • Washington ran for his 2nd term due to the division among the nation

  • After his 2nd term, he left a farewell address in Washington warned of 2 threats to the nation’s future. One was the problems the nation was having with other countries. and the other was the “spirit of party"

Westward Expansion

  • Westward expansion refers to the movement of settlers into western territories

Why Americans moved west

  • Economic opportunities like trade

  • Population growth in the eastern U.S

  • Belief in manifest destiny

  • Settlers moved west for land and fertile land farm

Manifest Destiny

  • Manifest Destiny was a belief that it was the country’s destiny to expand west

Impact on native americans

  • Native American tribes resisted U.S expansion

  • supported by British forces in Canada

  • Tension grew as settlers encroached on native land

How expansion led to war

  • U.S desire for more land clashed with Native Americans

  • British support for native tribes fueled conflict

  • trade and territorial disputes escalated tensions with Britain

Why it matters

  • The War of 1812 confirmed U.S independence

  • Paved the way for further westward expansion

  • Highlighted the impact of territorial ambition on national conflict


  • Britain provided weapons and support to native American tribes

  • blocked American trade with Europe

  • impressed American soldiers into the British navy

Order Of Presidents So Far

  • George Washington

  • John Adams

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • James Madison

  • James Monroe

  • John Adams

  • Andrew Jackson

James Monroe (1817-1825)

  • The era of good feelings where the nation had a sense of purpose and desire for unity the War of 1812

  • Signed the Monroe Doctrine- the United States would not tolerate any further European Colonization

  • on

  • Signed the Missouri Compromise which allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

James Polk (1845-1849)

  • Territory Added

  • Oregon Country

  • Texas

  • Mexican cession

  • Mexican American War

  • California Gold Rush

  • Texas Annexation

Texas Annexation

  • Taxes as an independent republic for nine years after becoming independent from Mexico in 1836

  • Texas was annexed in 1845 after a vote from the people of Texas to join the union

  • Texas was admitted as a slave state which caused controversy in politics

  • The major cause of the Mexican-American war

Includes present-day states: New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah

Oregon Country

  • Acquired by the U.S through the Oregon Treaty of 1846

  • Established as the Oregon Territory in 1848

  • The treaty established boundary lines known as the 49th parallel between the US and Britain

  • The southwestern portion of the territory was admitted to the union as the state of Oregon in 1859

  • The acquisition was part of the U.S. Manifest Destiny

This territory includes present-day Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Wyoming and Montana

California gold Rush

  • Mass Migration and economic period that transformed California and the Us

  • Gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1849

  • The population grew by population 100,000 by 1849 not including Native Americans

  • Responsible for pushing California to statehood due to the industrial and agricultural development

  • God rush was deadly for nonwhite people and especially for California native Americans50,000 pounds of gold were discovered worth upwards of 90 million dollars

Timeline Of Political Parties

  • Federalist: Favored strong national gov.

  • Democratic:

  • Whig:
