Module 1.2

Summary - concepts, terms and tips

Software - sets of instructions that tel' a computer what to do.

To work, the software must be loaded from storage into memory.

Application versus system software

  • Application software - a group of programs that perform specific tasks for us as users.
    (Refer to the table on page 19 which lists the different types of application software.)

  • System software - software that is intended to control, support or operate the computer.

  • operating system
    utility software such as anti-virus software. Some utilities are included in the operating system, but you can buy others.

The operating system

System software which controls all activities that take place in a computer.

  • Every computer needs an operating system in order to be able to function

  • First set of programs that loads when we boot a computer

  • Examples - the Windows range (e.g. Windows 8 and Windows 10), Apple's operating systems (macOS, OS X), Linux

  • Examples for mobile devices - iOS (for Apple devices), Android, Windows for smartphones

  • Functions:

  • Manages all the hardware and software on the computer

  • Maintains security

  • Provides a user interface (GUI)


  • Desktop - the first basic 'screen' of the operating system

  • Icons - tiles, shortcuts

  • Sub-menus and shortcut keys provide further ways to access programs etc.

  • Windows components - window, menu, dialog box, textbox, combo box (can add an option), list box (only choose from options listed), etc.

  • Useful programs included - Snipping Tool (allows the user to 'capture' or copy a section of what appears on the screen), Calculator
