The Great Schism

→ the decline and renewal of the Catholic Church of the Renaissance

→ Europeans start to distrust the Catholic Church because of the Great Schism

the political context

→ the papal states:

  • central italy

  • granted to the pope around 800 CE

  • disputed throughout the Middle Ages by different rulers

  • late Middle Ages: Treaty of Venice (1177)

    • gives some orders to the Pope that is his domain

  • By 1300: Italy Independent States

    Northern Border: Italian Republics

  • Southern Border: Kingdom of Naples

    • Ruler-Holy Roman Emperor

    • also leader of the Kingdom of Naples

→ Conflict between Pope and Holy Roman Emperor

  • Who is the true ruler of the Christian West?

    • Pope has advantage → he decides who goes to heaven

    • Holy Roman Emperor views himself as a protector of Western Catholic Christianity — Pope also views himself as the authority on Western Catholic Christianity

  • Late-1200s: Pope issues crusade against Naples

    • pope wants to expand his influence and limit the power of the Holy Roman Emperor

    • contradictory action → Christians don’t normally call a crusade against other Christians (normally against Muslims)

  • Main crusader: Charles of Anjou

    • Charles was a Prince of France

      • having Charles fight brings in another Catholic empire

    • Invades Naples with Papal support

      • Solidified connections between the Pope

  • when a pope calls a crusade, he is essentially asking a Christian prince ot bring his armies against an enemy

  • issue of sovereignty → people believe they can expand their influence when they expand their lands

→ The Pope turns against Charles

  • reaches out to Spain to invade Naples

→ Aragon (Spain) tried to invade Naples

→ Pope calls crusade against Aragon

  • essentially starts a war between France and Aragon over the Kingdom of Naples 

  • Makes everyone Mad!

  • Summary: A Giant mess

  • Because pope turned against Charles, the Kingdom of France opposes the Pope 

Philip IV of France (reign 1285-1314)

  • King of France that is most against the pope 

  • Angry at Papacy over war with Aragon 

  • Very ambitious king → wants to put an end to the rule of the pope & expand France’s power in Europe

  • Anticipating war with England → Philip needs to raise money quickly

    • Taxes subjects and the the Catholic church in France

      • Antagonizing the Pope → according to the medieval law king cannot tax the church only if the Pope approves it

        • Problem: can’t tax church without pope’s approval 

        • Pope Boniface VIII rejects tax 

    • Philip responds by prohibiting exports to papal states

    • pope responds by issuing a council to discuss the faith of the church in France → questions if King Philip is a faithful Catholic

      • threatens if the king is not faithful, then the people have the right to revolt

    • Philip responds by calling his councils to denounce the pope

    • becomes a war of words over supremacy

→ The Pope’s response: Unam Sanctum (1302)

  • “on the unity of the church”

  • declares: outside the church, there is no salvation

  • threat to Philip → Philip’s opposition to the pope = damnation

  • the point of no return

  • philip’s response: France invades italy

    • Philip captures Pope Boniface VIII

    • French army physically abused the pope

    • Pope dies a few weeks later → probably died due to his injuries

→ new pope elected: Clement V

  • packs cardinals with Pro-French priests'

  • moves the papacy to France

    • the Avignon Papacy (1309-1378)

    • causes enormous amount of distrust in Catholicism

    • “the Babylonian captivity” of the church → the church is basically in exile under the rule of the French King

    • considered the worst period of the Catholic church

      • nepotism → many popes have children, place their children in good jobs

      • excess → extravagant palace, parties at the Avignon Papacy

      • luxury → luxury goods

      • all of this takes place in the midst of the Black Death

→ Pope Gregory XI (1370-1378)

  • convinced by St. Catherine of Siena to return to Rome by Catherine of Siena

  • Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

    • received the stigmata of Christ

    • gained a lot of influence in the Church as a holy woman

    • wrote letters to the pope

      • urged him to live up to his calling as the Bishop of Rome

      • refers to the church as “stinking garbage”

      • refers to the pope as the Shepherd of the Church → pope is leading the sheep astray

      • tells pope to re-assert your power over the church

    • Gregory moves back to Rome

  • Gregory dies after moving back to Rome

→ Cardinals begin to form factions

  • two popes elected at the same time:

    • italian pope Urban VI elected → Rome

    • french-backed pope Clement VII elected → Avignon

  • begins the Great Schism

    • Pope in Rome & Pope in Avignon

    • nations begin to line up behind Popes →

    • severely damaging church reputation

→ Council of Pisa (1409)

  • elected a third Pope John XXII (aka Pope at large)

  • three people claiming to lead the Church

→ Council of Constance (1414-1418)

  • all 3 popes were either deposed or resigned

  • elected new pope: Martin V → unites the factions & brings the church out of the great schism

    • Pope returns to Rome

  • laypeople had already lost faith in the Church & Pope

    • council declare’s church’s supremacy → argument for why the church is correct even when the pope is corrupt

    • the church is not corrupt even when the papacy is
