→ the decline and renewal of the Catholic Church of the Renaissance
→ Europeans start to distrust the Catholic Church because of the Great Schism
central italy
granted to the pope around 800 CE
disputed throughout the Middle Ages by different rulers
late Middle Ages: Treaty of Venice (1177)
gives some orders to the Pope that is his domain
By 1300: Italy Independent States
Northern Border: Italian Republics
Southern Border: Kingdom of Naples
Ruler-Holy Roman Emperor
also leader of the Kingdom of Naples
Who is the true ruler of the Christian West?
Pope has advantage → he decides who goes to heaven
Holy Roman Emperor views himself as a protector of Western Catholic Christianity — Pope also views himself as the authority on Western Catholic Christianity
Late-1200s: Pope issues crusade against Naples
pope wants to expand his influence and limit the power of the Holy Roman Emperor
contradictory action → Christians don’t normally call a crusade against other Christians (normally against Muslims)
Main crusader: Charles of Anjou
Charles was a Prince of France
having Charles fight brings in another Catholic empire
Invades Naples with Papal support
Solidified connections between the Pope
when a pope calls a crusade, he is essentially asking a Christian prince ot bring his armies against an enemy
issue of sovereignty → people believe they can expand their influence when they expand their lands
reaches out to Spain to invade Naples
essentially starts a war between France and Aragon over the Kingdom of Naples
Makes everyone Mad!
Summary: A Giant mess
Because pope turned against Charles, the Kingdom of France opposes the Pope
King of France that is most against the pope
Angry at Papacy over war with Aragon
Very ambitious king → wants to put an end to the rule of the pope & expand France’s power in Europe
Anticipating war with England → Philip needs to raise money quickly
Taxes subjects and the the Catholic church in France
Antagonizing the Pope → according to the medieval law king cannot tax the church only if the Pope approves it
Problem: can’t tax church without pope’s approval
Pope Boniface VIII rejects tax
Philip responds by prohibiting exports to papal states
pope responds by issuing a council to discuss the faith of the church in France → questions if King Philip is a faithful Catholic
threatens if the king is not faithful, then the people have the right to revolt
Philip responds by calling his councils to denounce the pope
becomes a war of words over supremacy
“on the unity of the church”
declares: outside the church, there is no salvation
threat to Philip → Philip’s opposition to the pope = damnation
the point of no return
philip’s response: France invades italy
Philip captures Pope Boniface VIII
French army physically abused the pope
Pope dies a few weeks later → probably died due to his injuries
packs cardinals with Pro-French priests'
moves the papacy to France
the Avignon Papacy (1309-1378)
causes enormous amount of distrust in Catholicism
“the Babylonian captivity” of the church → the church is basically in exile under the rule of the French King
considered the worst period of the Catholic church
nepotism → many popes have children, place their children in good jobs
excess → extravagant palace, parties at the Avignon Papacy
luxury → luxury goods
all of this takes place in the midst of the Black Death
convinced by St. Catherine of Siena to return to Rome by Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
received the stigmata of Christ
gained a lot of influence in the Church as a holy woman
wrote letters to the pope
urged him to live up to his calling as the Bishop of Rome
refers to the church as “stinking garbage”
refers to the pope as the Shepherd of the Church → pope is leading the sheep astray
tells pope to re-assert your power over the church
Gregory moves back to Rome
Gregory dies after moving back to Rome
two popes elected at the same time:
italian pope Urban VI elected → Rome
french-backed pope Clement VII elected → Avignon
begins the Great Schism
Pope in Rome & Pope in Avignon
nations begin to line up behind Popes →
severely damaging church reputation
elected a third Pope John XXII (aka Pope at large)
three people claiming to lead the Church
all 3 popes were either deposed or resigned
elected new pope: Martin V → unites the factions & brings the church out of the great schism
Pope returns to Rome
laypeople had already lost faith in the Church & Pope
council declare’s church’s supremacy → argument for why the church is correct even when the pope is corrupt
the church is not corrupt even when the papacy is