Virginia General Assembly – The lawmaking body of Virginia, located in Richmond, consisting of the Senate and House of Delegates.
Bicameral Legislature – A legislative body with two parts, like the U.S. Congress or Virginia’s General Assembly.
Virginia House of Delegates – The larger chamber of Virginia’s General Assembly with 100 elected members serving two-year terms.
Virginia Senate – The smaller chamber with 40 members serving four-year terms, led by the lieutenant governor.
Governor – The chief executive of Virginia, similar to a state-level president.
Lieutenant Governor – The second-highest executive, presiding over the Virginia Senate and next in line after the governor.
Attorney General – Virginia’s top legal officer, advising the governor and representing the state in legal matters.
Regulatory Agency – A state body enforcing specific laws, such as the Department of Wildlife Resources regulating fishing.
Cabinet (State Level) – A group of advisors to the governor, overseeing different government departments.
Virginia Supreme Court – The highest judicial authority in Virginia, with seven justices deciding state legal matters.
Richmond – The capital city of Virginia since 1783 and the center of state government.
Federalism – A system where power is shared between national and state governments.
Reserved Power Clause – A constitutional principle granting states authority over matters not assigned to the federal government.
Federal Mandate – A directive from the federal government requiring states to comply with regulations, often without funding.
Virginia Constitution – The governing document outlining Virginia’s government structure and citizens’ rights.
Board of Supervisors – The governing body overseeing county affairs in Virginia.
Ordinance – A local law passed by a city, county, or town government.
School Board – A local governing body managing K-12 public schools in a specific area.
Incorporated Town – A self-governing local unit smaller than a city but recognized by the state.
Town/City Council – An elected body that governs a town or city in Virginia.
Mayor – The executive leader of a city or town, responsible for local governance.
City Manager – A professional administrator appointed to manage the daily operations of a city or town.
City Charter – A document issued by the state that outlines the structure and powers of a city’s government.