1⃣ Types of Memory
What are the three stages of memory?, Encoding
What is the difference between explicit and implicit memory?, Explicit memory: Conscious (facts, events)
Implicit memory: Unconscious (skills, habits)
Give an example of procedural memory and explain why it’s implicit., Example: Riding a bike
Implicit because it is automatic and doesn’t require conscious effort
What are the two types of explicit memory, and how do they differ?, Semantic memory: Facts, general knowledge (e.g., capital of France)
Episodic memory: Personal experiences (e.g., first day of school)
What is working memory, and which brain regions are involved?, Temporary storage for active tasks (e.g., mental math)
Brain regions: Prefrontal cortex, parietal lobe
2⃣ Brain Regions & Memory Processing
What role does the hippocampus play in memory?, Forms new explicit (long-term) memories
What happens to memory if the hippocampus is damaged?, Anterograde amnesia: Inability to form new memories
What is the function of the prefrontal cortex in memory?, Involved in working memory, decision-making, and memory retrieval
How does the amygdala influence memory?, Enhances emotional memories, especially fear and survival-related
What is long-term potentiation (LTP), and why is it important for memory formation?, Strengthening of synaptic connections with repeated use
Key mechanism for learning and memory
3⃣ Memory Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval
What are the three processes of memory?, Encoding: Inputting information
Storage: Retaining information
Retrieval: Accessing stored information
What is the difference between shallow and deep processing?, Shallow processing: Surface-level (e.g., reading without understanding)
Deep processing: Meaningful connections (e.g., summarizing concepts)
How does retrieval failure contribute to forgetting?, Information is stored but cannot be accessed, often due to lack of retrieval cues
What is the spacing effect, and why is it useful for studying?, Spaced repetition improves long-term retention by reviewing material over time
What is the testing effect, and how does it improve memory retention?, Practicing retrieval (self-testing) strengthens memory better than passive review
4⃣ Memory Disorders & Forgetting
What is retrograde amnesia vs. anterograde amnesia?, Retrograde amnesia: Can’t remember past memories
Anterograde amnesia: Can’t form new memories
What is the misinformation effect, and how does it impact eyewitness testimony?, Memory distortion due to misleading information (e.g., leading questions changing recall)
How does Alzheimer’s disease affect memory?, Progressive memory loss
Starts with short-term memory impairment
Caused by hippocampal damage
What is proactive vs. retroactive interference, and how do they cause forgetting?, Proactive interference: Old information disrupts new learning
Retroactive interference: New information disrupts old memories
How does stress affect memory, and what role does cortisol play?, Chronic stress impairs memory retrieval
High cortisol levels damage the hippocampus, leading to memory deficits