sociology chapter 7 vocab (only theories0

Strain Theory: A sociological theory by Robert Merton that explains deviance as a result of the

tension (strain) between societal goals and the means available to achieve them.

Control Theory : A theory that suggests people refrain from deviance because of their bonds to

society (family, education, social institutions), which encourage conformity.

Differential Association Theory : A theory proposed by Edwin Sutherland that suggests

individuals learn deviant behavior through interactions with others who engage in deviance.

Labeling Theory : A theory that argues deviance is not inherent in an act but is instead the result of society labeling certain behaviors or individuals as deviant.

Social Control:The mechanisms, strategies, and institutions that societies use to regulate

individual behavior and maintain order (e.g., laws, norms, policing).

Social Sanctions: Penalties or rewards used to enforce conformity to social norms (e.g., fines,

imprisonment, praise, promotions).

Incarceration : The act of imprisoning individuals as a form of punishment for crimes committed.

Rehabilitation : Efforts to reform criminals so they can return to society as law-abiding citizens.
