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Intro to Graphs

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Intro to Graphs

Introduction to Graphs

  • Course: CIS 2910

  • Instructor: Joe Sawada

  • Institution: University of Guelph

Problems Solved Using Graphs

  • Graphs model real-world problems and facilitate solutions using well-known graph algorithms.

    • Snow Plowing: Determines the minimum cost to clear roads for a clear path between major towns.

    • Matching: Finds the optimal matching of students to co-op jobs or healthcare personnel to hospitals.

    • Scheduling: Computes the minimum number of time slots needed for final exams without conflicts.

    • Information Visualization: Challenges whether a data flow diagram can be redrawn without edge crossings.

Minimum Spanning Trees

Example: Snow Plowing

  • A graph representing the road network between towns in Southern Ontario is presented.

  • Costs associated with plowing roads are represented as weights on each edge.

  • The goal is to determine the fewest roads needing to be plowed to ensure all towns are connected.

  • Towns include: Windsor, Toronto, Barrie, Kingston, Oshawa, Hamilton, London, Guelph, Waterloo.


Maximal Matching Example

  • Scenario: A co-op coordinator aims to maximize student-job placements.

  • Each student has specific job interests, represented by unique vertices.

  • Edges represent interest connections between students and jobs.

  • Objective: Find the maximal set of edges such that no two edges share a common endpoint (ensuring unique job assignments).


Exam Scheduling Conflict

  • Problem: What is the minimum number of time slots required to schedule exams to avoid conflicts?

  • Each course is a vertex, and edges represent conflicts (sharing a student).

  • Conflict example presented for courses: cs 100, math 101, chem 101, cs 200, chem 200, bio 101, cs 400, hist 200, geog 101, hist 101.

  • This scenario can be abstracted into a graph-coloring problem, asking for the minimum number of colors (time slots) required for conflict-free scheduling.

Information Visualization

Planar Graphs

  • Challenge: Is it possible to redraw a data flow diagram without crossing edges?

  • This problem translates into a graph drawing issue - can a graph be redrawn as a planar graph where no edges intersect?

Simple Undirected Graphs


  • A simple undirected graph G = (V, E) consists of:

    • A non-empty set of vertices (V).

    • A set of edges (E) as unordered pairs of distinct vertices in V.

  • Example: An undirected graph representation of a social network.



  • A multigraph allows multiple edges between pairs of vertices.

  • A simple graph is a special case of a multigraph.

  • If a multigraph allows loops (edges connecting a vertex to itself), it is called a pseudograph.

  • Example: A multigraph representing data center connectivity with multiple links.

Directed Graphs


  • A directed graph G = (V, E) comprises:

    • A non-empty set of vertices (V) and an edge set (E) comprising ordered pairs.

  • Key differences from simple undirected graphs:

    1. Edges are ordered pairs: (u, v) ≠ (v, u).

    2. Vertices in pairs are not necessarily distinct (loops are allowed).

  • Example: A directed graph indicating ideas' influences between individuals.

Size and Order of Graphs


  • Order: Number of vertices in a graph (denoted by n).

  • Size: Number of edges in a graph (denoted by m).

  • Maximum edges in a simple undirected graph: n^2.

  • Maximum edges in a directed graph: also n^2.