Comprised of pixels - smallest identifiable part of an image
Each pixel is assigned a binary value - represents its colour
Resolution - total pixels in an image - width x height
PPI (pixels per inch) refers to the density of the pixels - 72 is standard
DPI (dots per inch) relates to printing
Colour depth can be calculated using 2^n where n is the number of bits
RGB system uses 24 bits - 16,777,216 colours - what the eye can see
32 bits are used to store transparency - alpha channel
File size = resolution x colour depth
Data about data:
colour depth
date and time of creation
width and height in pixels
The reason image file size may be different to the value calculated - could also be due to compression
Stores geometric object not pixels
Stores the properties of these shapes - drawing list:
size of angles
fill colour
start point and end point (co-ordinates)
line colour
line thickness
Able to recreate exact copies of the object
Mathematically calculated - can be resized without pixelation
Each shape needs different properties - circle would need centre point and radius
Bitmaps are better for photographs - more natural as the photo may not be made up of lines/ shapes
Stored as an SGV file
Can layer images without losing what is stored underneath - bitmap will replace the original pixels
Each letter has a binary value associated - you press the key and the electrical signals that represent this letter are transmitted to display the binary value
A character set is all the characters a computer can represent
ASCII = American Standardised Code for Information Interchange - 7 bits - extended ASCII uses 8 bits
8 bit ASCII is not used much - 127 allows us to store most letters, numbers and symbols
0-31 = Controls
Null = 0
CR (enter) = 13
ESC = 27
48-57 = Numbers - cannot be used for arithmetic - binary is used instead
65-90 = Capital letters - 65 = A
91-123 = Lowercase letters - 91 = a
All other values are used for symbols
Uses UTF-8 - continuation of columns and headers to represent values
Compatible with almost all devices
Backwards compatible
Checks each bit is correct
Odd/ even way to check data
A byte of data will be sent with a parity bit - the next byte will have an odd or even number of 1s
In an odd parity, the spare bit will be used to make the number of 1s odd
In an even parity, the spare bit will make the number of 1s even
A 0 is used to keep it the same, a 1 is used to change it
No parity bit
Data is sent 3 times and the computer uses the majority rule to check the data
More data needs to be sent and data may be sent in error 3 times
Mathematical algorithm ensures the checksums match
70 + 204 + 12 = 286
There could still be an error
74 + 200 + 12 = 286
Examples include barcodes and ISBNs
Often used with a large number
If it matches the final digit, there are no errors