Global Issues Exam Review
Concern of Nuclear Proliferation T or F
Terrorism concerns in Africa T or F
Strongest ally is Great Britain T or F
Pakistan has been a problematic ally T or F
Year Israel was created? 1948
Length of Arab-Israeli War 0f 1948? 2 years
Who attacked Israel on Yom Kippur? Egypt, Syria
Camp David Accords, year? 1978
Second country to recognize Israel? Jordan and Egypt
What country went into Afghanistan in the late 1970’s? Soviet Union
When did we begin fighting in Afghanistan? 2001
What country did Saddam Hussein invade in 1991? Kuwait
What country did Iraq fight in the 80’s? Iran
What country did we find Bin Laden? Pakistan
Who does Pakistan not get along with and they border this country? India
When did Kim Jong-un take over in N. Korea? 2011
What type of regime does he run? Dictatorship
Country with drug issues in South America? Columbia
Country in Asia with concerns of ISIS? Philippines
Location of 1972 Olympics? Munich, Germany
Location of the U.S embassy in Iran? Tyran
How long were the hostages held in Iran? 444 days 1 year 3 days
Location of Pan Am flight 103 disaster? Lockerbie, Scotland
City Tim McVeigh detonated a bomb? Oklahoma City
Countries of origin for ISIS? Iraq and Syria
What group distanced themselves from ISIS? Al Qaeda
ISIS is connected to what division of Islam? Sunni
How does ISIS get its message out? Social Media
How do they fund themselves? Selling things on black market
Gulf War:
What country did Iraq invade? Kuwait
Country key to building the coalition? Saudi Arabia
Scuds were launched into what country? Israel and Saudi Arabia
The war lasted how long? 4 days
Second time into Iraq, what worried the coalition? Chemical Weapons
How long was Enduring Freedom? 3 weeks
Air campaign title? Shockinaw
What slowed coalition forces? Sandstorms
Special Forces:
Abbreviation for Spec. Operations Command: SOCM
Goal behind Spec. Operations Command? Unify the unites
Who specializes in unconventional warfare? Green Barrays
OSS became what agency? CIA
Leader of the OSS? Wild Bill Donovan
SEALS trace their beginning to what event? Tarawa
JFK created what group? Green Barrays
Rangers started in what conflict? French and Indian war
Two Ranger units in WWII? Darby’s Rangers, Merrills Marauders
Nickname for Special Operations Aviation Reg.? Night Stalkers
Air Force Special Operations was created in what year? 1990
Does Air Force Special Operations work with all Special Forces? Yes
What group influenced Delta Force? British (SAS)
Book that changed public perception about Special Forces/Delta Force? Black Hawk Down
When did Marine Force Recon become part of SOCOM? Early 2000’s
Tools of the trade: cameras, binoculars, bugs and wiretaps, animals, coded messages, concealment, cover stories, weapons
Intelligence:the gathering of information
NSA focus: In the USA (Domestic)
CIA focus: outside the USA (Foreign)
MI-5 focus British Intelligence and counterintelligence (Domestic)
MI-6 focus British Intelligence and counterintelligence (Foreign)
Mossad- Israel, foreign, formed in 1949
Terms to know
CounterIntelligence: actions against foreign intelligence services and the protection of people, information, equipment and installations from espionage, sabotage and terrorism.
- Double Agent: Agent recruited and controlled by another intelligence service that's already an Agent of one.
Counter Espionage: Operations to penetrate a hostile foreign intelligence service
- Industrial Espionage: Secret acquisition of information about business
Espionage: Use spies to obtain secret of confidential information - Mole: Someone who part of one organization, but works for another
Cryptanalysis:Code breaking
- Defector: a person who by choice leaves a country to flee control of its intelligence service
Global Economy Terms:
Human Capital: Knowledge and skills gained by a worker through education and experience
- Protectionism: Use of trade barriers to protect industries from foreign competition
Physical Capital: Object to make goods and services
- The World Trade Organization
Absolute Advantage:Person or nation that can produce a good at a lower cost than any person or nation
- European Union: Trade group of countries in Europe
Comparative Advantage:Person or nation to produce a good at an opportunity cost that is lower than that of another person/nation
- Euro: Currency in Europe
Opportunity Cost:What give up in order to produce a product
- NAFTA: Agreement to lift tariffs and trade barriers between US, Can, Mex
Free Trade: International trade not controlled by tariffs and quotas - International Specialization: Use of country’s resources to produce specific goods and services
Exchange Rate:Value of a foreign currency in terms of a nation’s home currency
- Trade Surplus: Export more than you import
Trade Deficit:Import more than a country exports
- Export: good sent to another country for sale
Import:good brought in from another country for sale - Import Quota:Limited amount of goods
Customs Duty: Tax on certain items purchased abroad
- Tariff: Tax on imported goods
Natural Disasters Terms and Concepts:
Anemometer: Instrument to measure wind speed and direction
Barometer: measures atmospheric pressure
Classification of Tornados: F0-F5
Bizzard: Snow storms with strong winds
Fujita Scale 0-5
Saffir Simpson Scale 1-5 low to high
Baguios in the Philippines
Cyclone: Name for hurricane in Australia and Indian Ocean
Typhoon: Hurricane in western north pacific
Water Spout: Tornado over water