Global Pt. 2

Global Issues Exam Review


  • Concern of Nuclear Proliferation T or F

  • Terrorism concerns in Africa T or F

  • Strongest ally is Great Britain T or F

  • Pakistan has been a problematic ally T or F

  • Year Israel was created? 1948

  • Length of Arab-Israeli War 0f 1948? 2 years 

  • Who attacked Israel on Yom Kippur? Egypt, Syria

  • Camp David Accords, year? 1978

  • Second country to recognize Israel? Jordan and Egypt

  • What country went into Afghanistan in the late 1970’s? Soviet Union

  • When did we begin fighting in Afghanistan? 2001

  • What country did Saddam Hussein invade in 1991? Kuwait 

  • What country did Iraq fight in the 80’s? Iran

  • What country did we find Bin Laden? Pakistan

  • Who does Pakistan not get along with and they border this country? India 

  • When did Kim Jong-un take over in N. Korea? 2011

  • What type of regime does he run? Dictatorship 

  • Country with drug issues in South America? Columbia 

  • Country in Asia with concerns of ISIS? Philippines 

  • Location of 1972 Olympics? Munich, Germany 

  • Location of the U.S embassy in Iran? Tyran 

  • How long were the hostages held in Iran? 444 days 1 year 3 days 

  • Location of Pan Am flight 103 disaster? Lockerbie, Scotland 

  • City Tim McVeigh detonated a bomb? Oklahoma City 

  • Countries of origin for ISIS? Iraq and Syria

  • What group distanced themselves from ISIS? Al Qaeda 

  • ISIS is connected to what division of Islam? Sunni 

  • How does ISIS get its message out? Social Media

  • How do they fund themselves? Selling things on black market 

Gulf War:

  • What country did Iraq invade? Kuwait 

  • Country key to building the coalition? Saudi Arabia 

  • Scuds were launched into what country? Israel and Saudi Arabia

  • The war lasted how long? 4 days

  • Second time into Iraq, what worried the coalition? Chemical Weapons

  • How long was Enduring Freedom? 3 weeks

  • Air campaign title? Shockinaw

  • What slowed coalition forces? Sandstorms

Special Forces:

  • Abbreviation for Spec. Operations Command: SOCM

  • Goal behind Spec. Operations Command? Unify the unites 

  • Who specializes in unconventional warfare? Green Barrays 

  • OSS became what agency? CIA 

  • Leader of the OSS? Wild Bill Donovan 

  • SEALS trace their beginning to what event? Tarawa

  • JFK created what group? Green Barrays 

  • Rangers started in what conflict? French and Indian war

  • Two Ranger units in WWII? Darby’s Rangers, Merrills Marauders

  • Nickname for Special Operations Aviation Reg.? Night Stalkers 

  • Air Force Special Operations was created in what year? 1990

  • Does Air Force Special Operations work with all Special Forces? Yes 

  • What group influenced Delta Force? British (SAS)

  • Book that changed public perception about Special Forces/Delta Force? Black Hawk Down

  • When did Marine Force Recon become part of SOCOM? Early 2000’s


  • Tools of the trade: cameras, binoculars, bugs and wiretaps, animals, coded messages, concealment, cover stories, weapons

  • Intelligence:the gathering of information

  • NSA focus: In the USA (Domestic)

  • CIA focus: outside the USA (Foreign)

  • MI-5 focus British Intelligence and counterintelligence (Domestic)

  • MI-6 focus British Intelligence and counterintelligence (Foreign)

  • Mossad- Israel, foreign, formed in 1949

Terms to know

  • CounterIntelligence: actions against foreign intelligence services and the protection of people, information, equipment and installations from espionage, sabotage and terrorism. 

     - Double Agent: Agent recruited and controlled by another intelligence service that's already an Agent of one. 

  • Counter Espionage: Operations to penetrate a hostile foreign intelligence service

  • - Industrial Espionage: Secret acquisition of information about business

  • Espionage: Use spies to obtain secret of confidential information - Mole: Someone who part of one organization, but works for another

  • Cryptanalysis:Code breaking

  • - Defector: a person who by choice leaves a country to flee control of its intelligence service 

Global Economy Terms:

  • Human Capital: Knowledge and skills gained by a worker through education and experience

  • - Protectionism: Use of trade barriers to protect industries from foreign competition

  • Physical Capital: Object to make goods and services

  • - The World Trade Organization

  • Absolute Advantage:Person or nation that can produce a good at a lower cost than any person or nation

  • - European Union: Trade group of countries in Europe

  • Comparative Advantage:Person or nation to produce a good at an opportunity cost that is lower than that of another person/nation

  • - Euro: Currency in Europe

  • Opportunity Cost:What give up in order to produce a product

  • - NAFTA: Agreement to lift tariffs and trade barriers between US, Can, Mex

  • Free Trade: International trade not controlled by tariffs and quotas - International Specialization: Use of country’s resources to produce specific goods and services

  • Exchange Rate:Value of a foreign currency in terms of a nation’s home currency

  • - Trade Surplus: Export more than you import

  • Trade Deficit:Import more than a country exports

  • - Export: good sent to another country for sale

  • Import:good brought in from another country for sale - Import Quota:Limited amount of goods

  • Customs Duty: Tax on certain items purchased abroad

  • - Tariff: Tax on imported goods

Natural Disasters Terms and Concepts:

  • Anemometer: Instrument to measure wind speed and direction

  • Barometer: measures atmospheric pressure

  • Classification of Tornados: F0-F5

  • Bizzard: Snow storms with strong winds 

  • Fujita Scale 0-5

  • Saffir Simpson Scale 1-5 low to high

  • Baguios in the Philippines 

  • Cyclone: Name for hurricane in Australia and Indian Ocean

  • Typhoon: Hurricane in western north pacific 

  • Water Spout: Tornado over water
