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Task Two Crime In Class Test

  • Post-sentencing considerations are important mechanisms for ensuring fairness, justice, and rehabilitation for both victims and offenders in the Australian legal system.

  • Factors that affect post-sentencing considerations include the offender's mental health, the nature of the crime, and available sentencing options.

  • Victim impact statements are prepared by victims or their families and outline the impact of the crime on their lives. They provide an opportunity for victims to express their feelings and allow judges to consider the full extent of the harm caused by the offender

  • An example of a victim impact statement the statements being read out at the sentencing of Cardinal George Pell in 2019

  • Appeals allow offenders to challenge the verdict, sentence, or process by which the trial was conducted, provide a mechanism for ensuring that legal processes and decisions are fair and just and allow mistakes or errors in judgment to be corrected and new evidence to be presented

  • An example of appeal is when Lindy Chamberlain successfully appealed her murder charge against her daughter in 1988 then was acquainted

  • Parole allows offenders to be released from prison before completing their sentence based on their behavior in prison and level of risk to the community. However, it has a high rate of recidivism, meaning that individuals who are released on parole are more likely to commit another crime and be returned to prison.

  • The case of Adrian Ernest Bayley is an example of the limitations of parole as he was granted parole by the Court of Appeal  in 2014 for the murder and rape of Jill Meagher  reducing his minimum non-parole period of 35 years to the non-parole period to 33 years despite a history of violence and violation of parole terms, leading to public outrage.

  • Overall, post-sentencing considerations are an important part of the Australian legal system and play a crucial role in promoting a more just and equitable society.

Task Two Crime In Class Test

  • Post-sentencing considerations are important mechanisms for ensuring fairness, justice, and rehabilitation for both victims and offenders in the Australian legal system.

  • Factors that affect post-sentencing considerations include the offender's mental health, the nature of the crime, and available sentencing options.

  • Victim impact statements are prepared by victims or their families and outline the impact of the crime on their lives. They provide an opportunity for victims to express their feelings and allow judges to consider the full extent of the harm caused by the offender

  • An example of a victim impact statement the statements being read out at the sentencing of Cardinal George Pell in 2019

  • Appeals allow offenders to challenge the verdict, sentence, or process by which the trial was conducted, provide a mechanism for ensuring that legal processes and decisions are fair and just and allow mistakes or errors in judgment to be corrected and new evidence to be presented

  • An example of appeal is when Lindy Chamberlain successfully appealed her murder charge against her daughter in 1988 then was acquainted

  • Parole allows offenders to be released from prison before completing their sentence based on their behavior in prison and level of risk to the community. However, it has a high rate of recidivism, meaning that individuals who are released on parole are more likely to commit another crime and be returned to prison.

  • The case of Adrian Ernest Bayley is an example of the limitations of parole as he was granted parole by the Court of Appeal  in 2014 for the murder and rape of Jill Meagher  reducing his minimum non-parole period of 35 years to the non-parole period to 33 years despite a history of violence and violation of parole terms, leading to public outrage.

  • Overall, post-sentencing considerations are an important part of the Australian legal system and play a crucial role in promoting a more just and equitable society.