

  • Speaker at a university science talk, with connections to UC Berkeley.

  • Mention of metagenomics: The audience is asked to raise their hands if they are familiar with the term.

Key Personalities

  • Jill Banfield: Principal Investigator (PI) at UC Berkeley, pioneer in the field of metagenomics.

  • Dr. Jaffee: A PhD student under Jill Banfield, recognized for his scientific abilities and personality; the speaker values his contributions and maintains a professional connection.

Seminar Purpose

  • The reason for the talk is to share important scientific insights and engage students with quality science.


  • Gratitude expressed towards funding sources:

    • National Science Foundation

    • Other institutions (unspecified) contributing to research funding.

Research Focus

  • Key enzyme of interest: Brisco.

    • Depicted in imagery shown during the talk.

    • Involved in a crucial biological process, specifically:

      • Part of the Calvin cycle, which is integral in converting carbon dioxide into biomass.

      • One of seven known pathways for this biochemical transformation.

  • Highlighted reaction: Conversion of carbon dioxide noted with green representation in the discussion.
