Sate issues in the Philppines

1. Political Dynasty- Families hold political power for generations, limiting fair elections.

  • Thin Political Dynasty - One family occupies the same position

  • Fat Political Dynasty- Many family members have different positions in the Government.

2. Graft and Corruption- Misuse of public funds and abuse of power by officials.

3. Territorial Dispute- Conflicts over territories (e.g., West Philippine Sea).

Reasons for Territorial Claims:

  • Materialistic:

Population: Expansion for growing populations.

Natural Resources: Access to oil, gas, and marine resources.

Strategic Value: Control over trade routes and military advantage.

  • Symbolic:

Culture: Historical and cultural ties to the land.

History: Past sovereignty or historical claims.

  • Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

- Extends 200 nautical miles from a country’s coast.

-The coastal nation has jurisdiction over living and non-living resources within this zone.

  • Key Maritime Territories in the Philippines

- West Philippine Sea: Part of the South China Sea within the Philippines EEZ.

- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) : Defines territorial waters, EEZs, and maritime sovereignty.

-Nine-Dash Line: Chinas claim in the South China Sea, based on historical maps, which overlaps with the EEZs of other countries.

  • UNCLOS Rules on Maritime Features

1. Islands: Get a 12-nautical mile territorial sea and a 200-nautical mile EEZ.

4. Unemployment- Lack of job opportunities and underemployment.

  • Labor Force- Includes individuals 15 years old and above who are either employed or unemployed.

  • Unemployment- When a person actively looking for work cannot find a job.

  • Unemployed -Refers to job-seeking individuals (15-65 years old) who are capable of working but remain jobless.

  • Underemployment- Workers who have jobs that do not match their skills or are working fewer hours than they desire due to a lack of better opportunities.

5. Poverty-Widespread economic hardship due to inequality and lack of resources.
