lecture recording on 13 March 2025 at 12.58.14 PM

The American West: A Landscape of Sacrifice

  • Western Landscape as a Testing Ground

    • The American West has been historically perceived as an empty and unproductive landscape, readily available for military actions and experimentation.

    • The devastation inflicted by military activities attracts artists and photographers, especially in the 1970s, who critically reinterpret the landscapes.

    • These art interventions reveal the tragic consequences of military actions and shed light on often-overlooked histories, such as indigenous land and environmental degradation.

Critical Reinterpretation and Artistic Responses

  • Artists' Perspective

    • Artists in the 1970s, particularly those focusing on the military's destructive impact, create a new visual narrative of the American West.

    • The reinterpretation of 'sacrifice' resonates through artwork that reveals the military's hidden activities and the wasted lands.

    • These images provoke reflection on the role of landscapes in narratives of nationalism and militarization.

Military Experimentation and Cultural Reflection

  • The Role of Military in Cultural Imagery

    • Landscapes are metaphorically discussed as 'theater' for performances of military action, creating stark contrasts between natural beauty and human-inflicted destruction.

    • This perspective emphasizes how landscapes can be deemed appropriate for violence, destruction, and post-apocalyptic fantasies.

High Modernism: Impacts on Cultural and Urban Development

  • Emergence of High Modernism (1940s-1950s)

    • The cultural atmosphere shifts during the Great Depression and World War II, leading to homogenization and the emergence of mass culture by the 1950s.

    • High modernism emerges as a form characterized by faith in progress and large-scale national projects driven by scientific planning.

    • Notable critiques highlight a loss of critical edge in modernism, leading to culturally significant projects that ultimately failed to account for human complexity.

James C. Scott’s High Modernism Theory

  • Defining High Modernism

    • Scott's concept of high modernism encompasses centrally planned, authoritarian projects characterized by simplification and standardization of complex social realities.

    • He posits that these projects often disregard practical knowledge and informal processes essential to human existence.

  • Four Key Elements of High Modernist Failures

    1. Simplification of Facts

      • The complexity of lived experiences is reduced to standardized data.

    2. High Modernist Ideology

      • There is a conviction that engineering and science can master unpredictability in human nature.

    3. Authoritarian Enforcement

      • States utilize coercive power to impose these plans, undermining societal resilience.

    4. Weak Civil Society

      • Inequality and powerlessness in civil society lead to a lack of resistance against imposed designs.

Case Study: Brasilia

  • Brasilia as a High Modernist Project

    • Designed by architect Lucio Costa, Brasilia embodies high modernist principles, emphasizing order, standardization, and separation of urban functions.

    • Moser’s critique highlights the inhuman scale of Brasilia, where infrastructure overlooks social needs, and the intended utopia morphs into functionality devoid of humanity.

  • Consequences of Planning

    • Social hierarchies persist, traffic issues exacerbate, and disconnected living conditions arise due to flawed urban design.

    • Initial aspirations of creating a more equal society are overshadowed by the realities of segregation and inequality.

Additional Issues with Modernist Projects

  • Other Examples of High Modernism

    • Cases like Chernobyl and urban developments in India demonstrate varying degrees of failure in high modernist projects, often neglecting the social context of inhabitants.

    • The challenges faced in cities like Inuvik also reflect the struggles of imposed high modernist ideals in harsh environments.

  • Technological Sublime in Tourism

    • Dams symbolize the pinnacle of human ingenuity and the paradox of nature harnessed for progress, attracting tourists for educational and awe-inspiring experiences.

    • Specialized discussions can explore the technological sublime, raising questions about humanity's relationship with the natural world.

Conclusion and Reflection

  • Analyzing the Role of Landscape

    • These examples illustrate the ongoing tension between idealistic visions of progress and the chaos of real societal experiences.

    • Understanding these landscapes invites us to reconsider the profound implications of modernist ideologies and the resultant living conditions established in the wake of their ambitious designs.
